Your biggest weight loss challenge?

What is hardest for me is knowing it won’t just take weeks but years to get where I want to be. And I am determined to not give up; however it’s my hardest challenge to not just order a takeaway


  • vanityy99
    vanityy99 Posts: 2,583 Member
    Nothings been challenging per say. It’s more like I’m just impatient, I have to remind myself to shut up and relax because at this point I’m healthy and just trying to lose vanity weight. I need to pat myself on the back more often for what I already accomplished.

  • MirandaOrange
    MirandaOrange Posts: 5 Member
    I struggle with this reality too and also have a hard time visualizing my body and life without the 100+lb of extra fat I've carried for 14 years now! I'm new on here and I'm also participating in a dietbet as a kickstart. Good luck to you on your continued journey!
  • 4jumps
    4jumps Posts: 6 Member
    Exercise. I start work at 6am. I’m too tired to exercise before and after.
  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    That I lost 100 pounds, regained 20 and having to start again.
  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member
    Historically the biggest challenge has been my quitting the program and gaining back most of the weight I've lost.

    My current challenge is that I'm so hungry all the time. I have a smallish deficit and eat all my exercise calories. I think the issue is that I've cut out meat and although I feel satiated maybe it's because my stomach is emptying quicker. Dunno. I'm a work in progress!
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    That I lost 100 pounds, regained 20 and having to start again.

  • marathongal
    marathongal Posts: 6 Member
    My current challenges right now are to be patient and to stay motivated when I get frustrated that things are not going the way I had hoped. I am crazy impatient when it comes to results in myself. My impatience to get back to the activity levels I was at before a major surgery has landed me on the injured list over and over again. My impatience to lose weight has me stressed out when the scale is not telling me what I want. None of this is good. I have to remember that this is going to take time - both for the weight loss and the activity levels and the more I push for what my body is not ready for the longer it will take.
  • meganreid163
    meganreid163 Posts: 72 Member
    Ugh I relate to so many of your guys answears.
    My biggest struggles are the scale moving up and down. It’s rough for me to see any kind of gain of even not a loss even though I know that’s complety normal.
    Also realizing how long it’s going to take me to hit my goal.
    I lost 27 pounds in a year. And I have about another 27 pounds to lose which I know will take even longer.
    For some reason I had it in my head that I could lose 50 pounds in a year 😫
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    edited April 2019
    Ugh I relate to so many of your guys answears.
    My biggest struggles are the scale moving up and down. It’s rough for me to see any kind of gain of even not a loss even though I know that’s complety normal.
    Also realizing how long it’s going to take me to hit my goal.
    I lost 27 pounds in a year. And I have about another 27 pounds to lose which I know will take even longer.
    For some reason I had it in my head that I could lose 50 pounds in a year 😫

    As I'm fond of telling myself, the time will pass anyway! Might as well be a little better when you get there :) It helps when the losses are slow to non-existent.
  • jlgmfp
    jlgmfp Posts: 33 Member
    I think one of my main problems is impulse control. If I have food to eat then it’s hard to wait and forget about it... it stays on my mind. I’ve been managing that so far by just buying enough food for one day (e.g a bread roll each day, rather than a loaf of bread, or an individual packet of crisps rather than a multipack).

    Like many of you guys I also hate seeing upward fluctuations on the scale. Even though I know it’s irrational, and that I can’t possibly have gained 3 pounds of fat in a few days whilst sticking on-plan... it still just gets to me and makes me feel frustrated and disheartened. So I’ve been managing that so far by only weighing in every 2/3 weeks. Considering weighing daily and just tracking averages though...
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Chocolate. It's always chocolate. My cravings are out of control and always have been. And if I deny myself, I become ragey and depressed. The bane of my existence.

    Right now I'm getting through it with a small amount of high quality chocolates. I can have two per day at most. My husband is responsible for them. Its... pretty awful actually. Hopefully it gets better.
  • jaymijones
    jaymijones Posts: 171 Member
    edited April 2019
    I also struggle with the ups and downs of the scale. It’s pretty stupid because I know there is no way I’ve gained 4lbs this week, and I always retain 3-6lbs of water during ovulation. In a week it will all drop off and I’ll be 1-2lbs down as expected. But it still goes to my head. I’ve tried tracking everyday using HappyScale, but I find myself not logging on heavier days.

    I also give way too much headspace to that number on the scale. I gained 40lbs last year due to a ton of stress and a new medication. On the bright side, while I was eating my feelings and giving into the increased appetite side effect, I still managed to continue exercising especially strength training. So even with that gain I was still a size smaller than the last time I had weighed that much.

    I’ve been steadily losing again and I’m finally ready to put some of my bigger sized clothes away. I just pulled down the smallest pair of jeans I own and not only did I get them all the way on, I only had to suck in a little bit to button them. They’re still a tad too tight to wear comfortably so I put them back in the closet, but I’m a LOT closer than I thought I was! I thought I still had 25lbs still to lose, but in reality I may only need to to lose 10-15 because I have more muscle than I did when I last wore them. And while that’s awesome! It’s also weirdly hard to let go of. I’ve had this number in my head for so long, I’m having trouble being okay with the higher number.