No Motivation!

I started working out the beginning of last year, me and a friend of mine (my boss actually). We hit the gym 3-4 times a week, counted calories, kept each other accountable, yada yada. I lost around 52 lbs, I was at my lowest since I had my last child 8 YEARS ago. It felt so good. I don't know what happened exactly except things happened at work, I realized my workout buddy wasn't who she pretended to be, lot of backstabbing, etc, so needless to say I lost my accountability partner. Once we stopped going to the gym together its like we both just came to a dead stop, we didn't work out, we went back to eating whatever we wanted. And now a year later I've gained 35lbs back, granted I'm still 15lbs down from my highest but it's so discouraging. I look back and I get so mad at myself, I worked so hard, and looking at pictures is even harder lol, But now I cant get motivated to start working out again, or even eating healthier. I say "I'm gonna start again monday, for sure this time" and well, 2 kids, a husband, a house to take care of and now it's Monday night and I've eat like a freakin horse and sat in front of my computer at work and then at home, my rear end finds a home on the recliner. I can't seem to get started again and its so frustrating!! I think i'm the type of person that needs someone to be accountable to, ya know?


  • amandak2080
    Yup, I understand! It's a big help to me to know that hubby is going to give me a ration of crap if I don't exercise or eat right. And I do the same for him. It's a little extra oomph to get you out of bed. I've also started gradually adding friends on MFP. Other people can see my activity...eek! I don't want to look like a slacker! :-)
  • Robin2932
    Well my husband has never had a problem with weight, he can't understand. He does try to be supportive but motivational is another story. I think he's worried that if he says something I will get upset, and he's probably right :-). So I'm needing someone outside. And I remember what it felt like to work out, it was such a rush and I actually loved it, and when I didn't do it, I FELT it. But this time has been so hard, first off I don't have the time to go to the gym, I'm also finishing school at night. But I really don't have an excuse, I have every workout video (including a couple of insanity DVDs, those scare me) treadmill, bike, weights, etc.