
I get excited every morning for the chance to help others see potential in themselves and show them they can do it! When that mountain seems so big and daunting to be able to help you climb it and feel successful.
I wake up each day wanting to know someone has gotten a little bit further up their mountain.
I wake up each day hoping my team can reach out to others and do the same thing; to create a mountain climbing revolution.
I wake up each day hoping to see so many mountain climbers out there that no one feels alone and the mountain is totally covered with people.
And even greeter than that, would be that each climber is helping those around them.
We all have a climb and it can be difficult for all of us at times, but doing it together is part of the success!
So yes I wake up each day hoping for a mountain. One, where you are all on it.
Lets climb em' and move em' together!
What's your mountain?
Have a happy Wednesday!


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    My mountain was getting out of bed this morning. I just did not feel like moving. But once I got up, dressed and put my shoes on and got outside, it was all worth it. The brisk morning air was wonderful.