Looking for motivation!

Hello everyone,

My name is whitney and i'm 18 years old

over the past few years i'm a little struggling with my weight.

i'm 175cm and my weight is 71.8 kg. According to my BMI i'm considerd healthy.

but i want to lose some weight. When i first starting exercising 2 years ago I was 73.8kg

Last year before going on my vacation to Espana i lost about 4 kg. my weight was 68kg.. (HAPPY) but when i came back 10 days later. I've said goodbye to my hard work and welcome back 4 kg. -,-

I've tried insanity in feb 2013, but due a lack of time i quit after the second week. i lost about 2 kg back then and gained it back. i've tried weight loss shakes and lost 2kg in a week with some exercise and as you could guess i gained it back.

Sometimes i am super motivated. but i guess it stays like that for a week. No one around me exercises. So i lack motivation

and i have to admit, I am free from school now because i'm on a school break (LOVE Summer) so i've been lazy lazy lazy. I do work and there i have to walk a lot and i use public transport, but when i'm free i'll be as lazy as i can, eat a lot and unhealthy. Suprise?! Guess not i gained 1.5 kg this holiday. I got really shocked when i saw the scale so i started eating healthier en refusing all the snacks and lost 1kg. Current weight 71.8kg.

My goal is 66kg. I dont know if my goal is really possible cause i already have a lot of muscle that's why i've always been around 70kg.

But i really want to give it a serious try now. I am already happy if i see a few changes in my body.

This wil be my second trial on Shaun T's Focus T25. Yep i said second try, I stopped after a week. I want to begin officially on sept 2nd. when my school starts again and then finsih the 10 weeks completely. But to get my motivation started i'm already going to eat healthier and excersise as much as i can the rest of the month.

So i'm here looking for people wo could help motivate me and i could help motivating trough the months!

Please add me ^^


The netherlands
