Average weekly weight loss

amskinner87 Posts: 159 Member
edited April 2019 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone

I've been losing weight on MFP since 01 January 2019.

Over 15 weeks I've lost 27.8lb, so an average weekly loss of 1.85lb per week. This is within the recommended healthy level of 1-2lb loss per week.

But within that, I have varied massively in the amount I lose per week. There is a lot of talk on MFP about not sweating the scale or worrying about variations. I thought it might be nice to share our experiences to help people struggling with scale variation (and also because I'm super nosy 😂 and loove data).

I'll start...

Number weeks dieting: 15
Total weight loss: 27.8lb
Average weekly weight loss: 1.85lb
First week weight loss: 5lb
Largest non-first-week weight loss: 2.9lb
Smallest weight loss: 0.6lb
Length of longest plateau: less than 1 week

I would love if anyone else wants to add theirs. Feel free to share more/less info.


Edit - realised some context might be useful.

Starting weight: 201lb (obese)
Age: 31
Height: 5ft 5.5


  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Began latest weight loss program at 232.8 pounds (all time high was 251 pre MFP).
    Currently maintaining since December 2017 at 143 - 149.
    5'5" tall
    62 years old

    Average weight loss in 2016 (232.8 - 162.6) - 1.28/week (1200 calories per day)
    Average weight loss in 2017 (162.6 - 143) - .37/week (1300 calories per day)

    Longest Plateau - 3 months
    2 years to reach goal range.

    1st week loss 2.8
    largest weekly loss 3.6

    18 lbs lost prior to current program and maintained.