Need some help figuring out my non-weight loss!


I have been on MFP for some time and I have tracked my food daily for nearly 90 straight days - I have opened my diary and made it public for anyone that wants to have a look.

I track everything. Literally everything from salt and pepper to when I was binging on horrible junk and fast food. Previously I was eating McDonalds, Subway, etc and I was tracking it. Over the past 2-4 weeks I have made a conscious effort to truly overhaul my diet, lifestyle and how I eat and live.

I know I have eaten badly in the past and I am happy I logged it as it serves a reminder. However, I calculated my BMR on one website which amounted to around 2,600 calories. The BMR calculator on MFP says 2,180 calories.

For the most part I have swapped out snacks for fruit, rice cakes and yoghurt and I don't find it particularly difficult to eat that way. I enjoy a nice pineapple and a juicy watermelon! I am always concious of what I am eating, for example I had a piece of cake yesterday at a 50th birthday gathering and didn't feel mad about it because I know one snack isn't going to derail me from my ultimate goals.

I know I am rambling now but basically I have been stuck at 264.2 lbs for 1-2 months. I dropped 8-9lbs in my first few weeks of MFP and have been stuck hovering around 264.2lbs ever since. I have only ever once dropped below that weight and instantly shot back up to this plateau. I have started adding in Kettlebell workout, more walking, eating more fruit but there is no budge.

I'm not going to lie, it is a little disheartening when you are putting in so much effort for so long and seeing no results. I have tried altering how many calories, etc I should be eating.

Does anyone have any advice? I am a 5' 8 inch 26 year old male, currently at 264.2lbs - What calories should I be eating? I have tried everything from 1,800 - 2,400.

Thanks for the help!


  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I think to have a successful weight loss looking at calories is good but you also have to look at your macros. Calculating those and the calories by the information you gave I have you at 2330 calories and Carbs: 186 G per day.
    Protein: 186 G per day.
    Fats: 41 G per day.

    If you wanted to lose faster just go to 2200. I have found calculating my macros and trying to stay in the ranges set for me helped me lose consistently. Good luck.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,525 Member
    Are you using a food scale?

    Some folks bristle at this, but I’ll give it to you straight, if you aren’t losing, you’re eating too much. If you set your activity at sedentary, what number does MFP give you to lose 1 lb per week? Given you have a bunch to lose, that should work.

    Don’t let this defeat you, there’s a significant calorie counting learning curve. Keep working and you’ll get past this. All these calculators make it seem like the answers are simple. Not so much. There are always calorie counting gray areas.

    So first thing is a food scale. Second thing is an official weekly weigh in. Control as many conditions as possible. I’ll advise not the morning after resistance training. Stressed muscles hold water.

    The other thing you need is a long range view. Because you need about a 6 week test. That will be six weeks of planning, weighing food, measuring liquids, logging, trying to hit you number, and 6 official weigh ins.

    Whatever number you’re testing 6 weeks should give you a lot of information. Please don’t pick the most strict austerity number and try to force yourself to live with it. You’re trying to find something you can work with long term. If you don’t lose after 6 weeks, cut 100 calories per day. Test some more.

    Just as a reference. I’m 6’0”. MFP says I should eat 1900 calories to maintain at 170lbs. When I tick over 170, it says I should eat 1700 to lose .5 lbs per week. Don’t see why you wouldn’t lose if you were really eating 1800 for long.

    In the end, its all trial and error. Pick 1 number, 1 plan, test it. Don’t let your brain jerk you around. Good luck.
  • I3umble
    I3umble Posts: 30 Member
    megamom wrote: »
    I think to have a successful weight loss looking at calories is good but you also have to look at your macros. Calculating those and the calories by the information you gave I have you at 2330 calories and Carbs: 186 G per day.
    Protein: 186 G per day.
    Fats: 41 G per day.

    If you wanted to lose faster just go to 2200. I have found calculating my macros and trying to stay in the ranges set for me helped me lose consistently. Good luck.

    Thanks, I will take a closer look at the macros today and I appreciate the help.

  • I3umble
    I3umble Posts: 30 Member
    88olds wrote: »
    Are you using a food scale?

    Some folks bristle at this, but I’ll give it to you straight, if you aren’t losing, you’re eating too much. If you set your activity at sedentary, what number does MFP give you to lose 1 lb per week? Given you have a bunch to lose, that should work.

    Don’t let this defeat you, there’s a significant calorie counting learning curve. Keep working and you’ll get past this. All these calculators make it seem like the answers are simple. Not so much. There are always calorie counting gray areas.

    So first thing is a food scale. Second thing is an official weekly weigh in. Control as many conditions as possible. I’ll advise not the morning after resistance training. Stressed muscles hold water.

    The other thing you need is a long range view. Because you need about a 6 week test. That will be six weeks of planning, weighing food, measuring liquids, logging, trying to hit you number, and 6 official weigh ins.

    Whatever number you’re testing 6 weeks should give you a lot of information. Please don’t pick the most strict austerity number and try to force yourself to live with it. You’re trying to find something you can work with long term. If you don’t lose after 6 weeks, cut 100 calories per day. Test some more.

    Just as a reference. I’m 6’0”. MFP says I should eat 1900 calories to maintain at 170lbs. When I tick over 170, it says I should eat 1700 to lose .5 lbs per week. Don’t see why you wouldn’t lose if you were really eating 1800 for long.

    In the end, its all trial and error. Pick 1 number, 1 plan, test it. Don’t let your brain jerk you around. Good luck.


    Yeah, I use food scales. I also use the barcode scanner on the MFP app to make sure I am selecting the correct food in the app. I also double check calories, fat, etc on the label to the one on the MFP app to ensure it adds up.

    Secondly, thanks for the advice - I think I will combine this with the post above yours that mentions focusing more on macros and I will double check the food I am weighing.

    I appreciate it.
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    macro's wont impact weight loss. weight loss is about math, calories in being less than calories out.

    marcros matter for feeling full/and general health so they have their role to play there.

    MFP doesn't give you BMR bt rather number of calories to lose at the requested rate. without purposeful exercise
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    have you added or increased exercise? new/more exercise can lead to water retention which can mask weight lsos temporarily. are you loggin EVERYTHING? even cheat meals/deals?

    is the weight trending a bit down or not at all? for a full 2 months? how much did you lose in how much time before that?