maintaining while at special events

YOOOOO DUDES. I’m at a wedding and I was able to plan SO WELL that I am able to get SUPER DRUNK on six white wines and also have a 3 oz slice of red velvet cake plus a good dinner!!! I LOVE MAINTENANCE planning is the foundation of fun. Who else is able to successfully plan out their special social events super well?!?! (As you can tell, I’m super drunk and excited about my success)


  • AkanthaAnil
    AkanthaAnil Posts: 10 Member
    I find it really challenging to plan for events since I love to track my calories the day before, AND I never know which food they will be offering! However, if I feel in doubt, I will sneak a box of my own snacks in my bag, and do some super secret bathroom eating so nobody sees that I am not actually eating what is there. This reduces my cravings to eat the aforementioned delicious foods. But congrats to you for planning out how you will manage this event and succeed at it!! :)
  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    Hope it ended well ;) when I get SUPER drunk I inevitability end up at the Taco Bell Drive-thru.
    it ended great! Went straight to bed 😂

  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,756 Member
    Congrats, sounds like you had a blast and stuck to your plan nonetheless.

    I kind of fell into IF for this exact reason. Knowing I was going out to dinner, or a party of some sort where it would be hard to stay within my caloric limit I would eat very little throughout the day and save up for the event. It worked very well and I kind of started doing this on a daily basis because I have always had a difficult time with snacking (especially at night). Instead of giving up the snacking, I just left room for it by limiting my calories throughout the day, sometimes to the point of only consuming coffee, and a bit of fruit or a protein bar.

    I don't always do this, but it is something I revert to when my body seems to be telling me to.
  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    Congrats, sounds like you had a blast and stuck to your plan nonetheless.

    I kind of fell into IF for this exact reason. Knowing I was going out to dinner, or a party of some sort where it would be hard to stay within my caloric limit I would eat very little throughout the day and save up for the event. It worked very well and I kind of started doing this on a daily basis because I have always had a difficult time with snacking (especially at night). Instead of giving up the snacking, I just left room for it by limiting my calories throughout the day, sometimes to the point of only consuming coffee, and a bit of fruit or a protein bar.

    I don't always do this, but it is something I revert to when my body seems to be telling me to.

    Yes, often I’ll try to do this (or shave off 100 calories on weekdays if a big weekend event is coming). Seems to work so far!

  • jrwms714
    jrwms714 Posts: 421 Member
    I find it really challenging to plan for events since I love to track my calories the day before, AND I never know which food they will be offering! However, if I feel in doubt, I will sneak a box of my own snacks in my bag, and do some super secret bathroom eating so nobody sees that I am not actually eating what is there. This reduces my cravings to eat the aforementioned delicious foods. But congrats to you for planning out how you will manage this event and succeed at it!! :)
    This is what works for me, too. Good to see it's not just me. I carry a protein bar with me, and I do that bathroom thing, too. It sounds a little off base, but these events rarely have anything healthy as a choice. Often what is there is nothing I want to eat or, like at weddings, it's served super late, and I'm beyond wanting anything to eat by that time. Nobody really pays attention to what you are or aren't eating and each of us has to figure out how to handle these things. But we can and we do!
  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    Congrats OP!

    I am able to maintain while attending events. I have two different strategies depending on the time of day of the event and what is being served (if I know - I always try to find out).

    If it's something I'm really looking forward to I will save all of my calories for the day for that meal (usually spread out over hours) and I don't drink calories. This allows me to enjoy myself because I have so many calories to play with by saving calories and not drinking them.

    Other times I will eat a decent sized meal at home earlier in the day and either have a little bit of almost everything at the event or a whole lot of a couple of things. This balances out the calories and I don't overeat for the day.

    Banking calories from earlier in the week helps me as well.

    I've gone to events where I know I probably not going to want anything. In that case, I eat at home before I go and fill up on salad, fruits and veggies at the event.

    Lastly, I look at some things at their caloric value. That extra large double chocolate chunk cookie looks so good, but it's probably around 450 calories. Sometimes it's worth it, other times it's not.

    For me, the most important thing is to try to stay in control and don't let food have power over me. Enjoy and don't deprive myself, but stop eating when I'm close to getting full.

    These are all so great; I feel like I do a variation of these as well. This weekend has really tested me because there was a wedding reception on Friday, a Seder dinner yesterday, and an Easter dinner today. I’m almost to the end; wish me luck!
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    @rainbow198 if I could do just this ONE thing, my life would be so much easier....

    “....but stop eating when I'm close to getting full.”
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    this post makes me so happy. I love drunk people
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,230 Member
    I find it really challenging to plan for events since I love to track my calories the day before, AND I never know which food they will be offering! However, if I feel in doubt, I will sneak a box of my own snacks in my bag, and do some super secret bathroom eating so nobody sees that I am not actually eating what is there. This reduces my cravings to eat the aforementioned delicious foods. But congrats to you for planning out how you will manage this event and succeed at it!! :)

    Glad that works for you.

    But I would never take that approach - I like eating delicious foods and I like eating socially, not alone secretly in bathrooms.

    Work it into your overall plan is much better approach IMO.
  • jrwms714
    jrwms714 Posts: 421 Member
    Each of us has to find a way to deal with these situations. Pre-eating before the event or carrying something with you in case there's nothing you can or would eat is just a strategy, and so are variations on these. It works for some people and works well. It works for me and has for years. Banking calories is another way. We all learn how to handle these things, and nothing is really wrong or right.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,230 Member
    That's true - that is why I said I am glad it works for you

    I also shared the approach that works for me - that IMO is going to be a better approach (more sustainable long term, more enjoyable) for most people than bringing food to secret eat in the bathroom at the event.