Roasting Vegetables



  • asliceofjackie
    asliceofjackie Posts: 112 Member
    edited April 2019
    Parsnip. Parsnip. Parsnip. I can't overstate how delicious it is with parsnip.

    I do this: Parsnip, carrots, onions, potatoes - all cut into wedges/strips~ish. Toss with a little bit of coconut oil, salt and black pepper. In the oven for about 15-20 minutes at 225°C, or until soft. Enjoy!
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    I like to roast whole heads of cauliflower at a time - just cut the bottom enough so it will stay upright and then roast at 425 for 30-45 minutes. I usually just rub them with oil and whatever spices I have handy but sometimes will rub them down with a mix of Parmesan, sour cream and dill.
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    edited April 2019
    Just for the record, I "hated" Brussels sprouts too, until I started roasting them. I peel and cut up a butternut squash, toss it with 2 diced Pink Lady apples and a couple of bags of frozen broccoli or Brussels sprouts, cut into small pieces. I spread all that out on parchment lined baking sheets and bake for *about* 45 minutes at 425F. Sometimes I roast veggies individually, but I love this mix.
    Eta: I don't use any oil or salt or seasoning on this, and it turns out great. Just remember, as some have said, to spread it all out in one layer so it doesn't just steam in the oven.
  • April4th
    April4th Posts: 140 Member
    I roast corn in the oven. A bag of frozen corn a little olive oil, salt, pepper, onion/garlic powder, maybe cajun seasoning. Very yummy.
  • CCCMistiq
    CCCMistiq Posts: 2 Member
    I like to soak my sliced veggies in saltwater for a half hour, then broil until they poof just a bit & golden brown (I have to watch them carefully for 5-50 minutes depending on thickness & how close they are together). You can also add any other seasonings you like. I think the salt-water soak helps 'dry out' the surface a bit and help it poof the way I like so the surface is a touch crunchy & the inside isn't too dry.

    My favorite vegetables to roast are red potatoes, any color sweet potato, parsnips, turnips, rainbow carrots, and pretty much any root vegetable. I cut potato-shaped veggies into wedges and put them skin side down & carrot-shaped veggies into slices. They all get flipped once after the first side poofs & gets a bit browned. Fewer veggies = shorter cook time, so don't crowd if you want them done soon.

    I have been trying to avoid using cooking oil when it isn't necessary since no matter how much I try, my fat % rises quickly (often 80% of my intake or more!) whenever I'm not vigilant. I'm not against fat, it just happens to sneak in and make my calorie budget feel cramped whenever it steals the spotlight. If you are better at balancing your diet, tossing them in a bit of healthy cooking oil before roasting will help any seasonings you sprinkle on stick while cooking.
  • JohnnytotheB
    JohnnytotheB Posts: 361 Member
    edited April 2019
    I love celeriac, turnups, beets, potatoes, carrots and parsnips. Cut them all in about 1 inch squares. Toss in olive oil - add a little salt and pepper. In a 390-400 degree oven - viola. Wonderful.
  • wilson10102018
    wilson10102018 Posts: 1,306 Member
    Go to the produce section and get some of everything mentioned above. Pile them all up on a baking sheet drizzle with olive oil sparingly and sea salt and put them in the oven at 375 F. As they cook, try them at various stages until they are burnt or shriveled up. Spend the afternoon on it. Then you will know what you like.

    I'm betting on garlic, carrots, onions, bell peppers eggplant and squash.