Looking for motivational friends

I've been trying for years to lose weight. I used to go to the gym for about 3-4 hours every day and never could get under 180. I had a heart to heart with my general physician and she suggested that since I have been struggling and their is proof of it, that I should get gastric bypass or the other one (I can't remember which she recommended.) I don't want to, I never really thought I was heavy enough to actually need to have surgery but now that it is on the table, I am worried.
Yes, we have ruled out all other health issues and the only thing I specifically have is PCOS.
I don't have any work out friends where I live(small town and mostly an older community)
I need friends, people who are interested in having competitions, swapping recipies and just like to chit chat over anything.
I lobe to talk about almost anything and would love to have people to help keep me motivated and pushing forward!


  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    What about Facebook?
  • AZrising
    AZrising Posts: 58 Member
    I’d be glad to back you up and give you support. Shoot me an invite any time! We can help push each other and chat!