How are carbs worked out

My carbs are 153 which I’ve now practically got to but I’m not over bothered if I go over 413. Cals remaining how are they worked out to what you should have Uber etc


  • kpaing121
    kpaing121 Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks I was just wondering how it’s worked out
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    do you mean in your dairy as eaten? that is based on the entries you picked in MFP and what carbs was entered by the user who created the entry

    the daily goal is based on % of your total calories. MFP has a standard recommendation of carb-fat-protein.
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    There are standard macro percentages that MFP defaults to. That is 50% carb, 30% fat, 20% protein. Many people choose to customize that based on their goals. If you have the standard ones, MFP will assign you a carb goal that is equal to half your calories coming from carbs.

    For weight loss, calories are whats important, and you should be eating to your calorie goal, not worrying about being over or under a specific macro (although getting a good amount of protein is recommended to help maintain muscle mass)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I think this is what you're asking.....

    For easy math, let's say your calorie goal is 1500. If your % of carbs is set to 50% in My Fitness Pal, then your calorie goal for carbs would 750 (which is 50%) of 1500.

    Carbs are 4 calories per gram. Let's say you ate something with 50 carbs, that's 200 carb calories. If your carb goal is 750 and you ate 200......then you have 550 carb calories left.

    But Mike is right. Calories are what matters for weight loss. Macros are personal preferences for satiety, health and fitness goals.
  • kpaing121
    kpaing121 Posts: 143 Member
    Yes I’m now eating to my calories as panini helped me realise that it’s important and going over carbs is not a bad thing I’ve been MyFitnessPal buddy said 1200 calories the rest was done by that I’ve been looking for some good granola bars any one recommend any x