I need help with healthy snacks n such...

Yall... omg. I have fallen off the weight loss wagon sooo hard. Lol. I have been constantly hungry and constantly snacking for some reason idk... but I've gained like 20 lbs. So tomorrow I'm going shopping for HEALTHY snacks instead of junk. First of all... I love carrots, broccoli & cauliflower BUT I always have to dip them in ranch. What's a better dipping alternative??? Also... I drink a lot of fluids. I'd say about 50% water and 50% diet pepsi. What is a drink (besides water) that I can have as much as I want without too many calories, tasty and not full of artificial sweeteners? Something more natural but still good and satisfying? And last... What are some good and easy sources of protein? I'm picky about meat but I do like chicken breast, it's just a pain to cook sometimes. Plz help me with some advice on my 3 main issues. ☝️☝️☝️😭


  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    You may want to try some greek yogurt based ranch dressings. They're typically significantly fewer in calories. And regardless of what you choose, weigh out a portion that fits within your plan and don't eat more unless you log it.
  • JenMarieD87
    JenMarieD87 Posts: 34 Member
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Something I have learned through many failed attempts is that healthy snacks are most effective when they are things I still actually like and give me some satiety in small quantities. I love greek yogurt with fruit. If I eat celery it will be accompanied by cream cheese, peanut butter or ranch. Nuts are good but I have to pre-portion them or I can eat way too many. I still always include crackers or something similarly crunchy and bready with either a snack or meal because I enjoy them and feel deprived if I don't.

    For low calorie drinks, I love tea.
  • ximenavictoriaxo
    ximenavictoriaxo Posts: 113 Member
    My go to is like 6 strawberries, chop them up and put some fat-free whipped cream. DONE.
  • ximenavictoriaxo
    ximenavictoriaxo Posts: 113 Member
    edited April 2019
    Hummus is perfect too, but I always use a food scale to measure that I got exactly 30g. Don't feel deprived, I'd suggest getting a food scale. I'm ghetto and use the same scale I use to measure my "HERB" in.

    Forgot to mention. Sparkling water! I use pellegrino and add in a few squirts of lemon juice!
  • JenMarieD87
    JenMarieD87 Posts: 34 Member
    Hmm. The sparkling water idea sounds good. Thanks.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited April 2019
    Just to give you a different way to look at this, you might want to actually look at your meals first - Are you getting enough protein, fat, and fiber? Those three things are generally satiating for most people, so if you're skimping on any it might be causing your snack attacks.

    Also, if your snacking is emotional or boredom eating, brain storming some other quick & easy ways to deal might be worth a shot :smile:

    I like Fiber One brownies, Dove dark chocolate Promises (they are really rich so I never feel like I need more than a couple), yogurt, or a hard boiled egg.

    Throughout the day, I drink water, coffee with a teeny bit of milk, mint green tea (hot or iced), and Coke Zero. :drinker:
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    my favorite grazing things that keep me very full, i mostly eat these items for work lunch. i am a person that needs a lot of different flavors to be satisfied and i never want to eat the same thing all week. also i eat low carb, so that is relevant to my choices:

    -salad with taco sauce instead of dressing (can add a little shredded cheese, scallion)
    -cottage cheese (add fruit or red wine vinegar or black pepper/salt)
    -hard boiled eggs or just the whites
    -KIND bars
    -Low carb tortilla with deli meat and mustard
    -low carb tortilla toasted with a little almond butter
    -pickles, kimchi, sauerkraut, pickled jalapenos, pepperoncini, cherry peppers
    -cut up veg dipped in greek vinaigrette or hummus (ranch is ok, you can make your own with the hidden valley packets and greek yogurt)
    - Two Good, siggis, or chobani "hint of" brand yogurts (all have a small amount of sugar and are great)
    - string cheese
    - babybels
    - beef jerky
    - pork rinds

  • lafayettenana
    lafayettenana Posts: 79 Member
    3.5 oz of boiled shrimp plus 2 TBS of mild salsa=115 calories with 21 grams of protein
    A splash of balsamic vinegar in sparkling water. If you see some lemon flavored white balsamic vinegar (or something similar) at an olive oil specialty store get a small bottle and try it.

    My daughter doesn't drink alcohol and this is her go to mock-tail. Mine too but I love wine so that's my adult beverage of choice.
  • echmain3
    echmain3 Posts: 231 Member
    What do you mean by healthy?
  • JohnnytotheB
    JohnnytotheB Posts: 361 Member
    Did you try hummus to replace your dip? There are a huge variety of flavors too.

    The other things that works for me instead of soda and plain water is seltzer water. I like the lemon flavor but there are a variety of flavors you can get. I like the Polar brand the best. Coke has their Bubbly brand and a number of others including generics. I would say if you get this to stay with the no calorie, no additives because some of them are like non-diet soda with a bunch of calories.
  • cheyeneinthesprings
    cheyeneinthesprings Posts: 46 Member
    Fage Greek yogurt with frozen blueberries
    String cheese and almonds
    Apple slices and peanut butter
    Boiled eggs
    Half an avocado with but butter

    And bolthouse farms has some delicious yogurt based dressings that could be used for a dip. I love the cilantro avocado.
  • TheMothership71
    TheMothership71 Posts: 29 Member
    I eat lots of different snacks. Lately it’s roasted sweet potato...cold. To each there own. Keeps me full for sometimes too long lol. But the thing that’s helped me most with food intake is logging my snacks BEFORE I eat them. Like sometimes in the morning. It helps me to eat with intention. It keeps me aware of the calories and nutrients I’m getting and helps me recognize what would be a wiser choice for that day. Best wishes
  • JenMarieD87
    JenMarieD87 Posts: 34 Member
    Bump (:
  • wilson10102018
    wilson10102018 Posts: 1,306 Member
    I eat a lot of fruit and berries. A cup of raspberries or blackberries. A raw peach. Apple. Swapped these for the nuts and chips I was snacking on. Now and then a tsp of raw honey on the berries or fruit if it is not all that good (+20 cal).