Day 2

ForAmanda222 Posts: 126 Member
HI! First day yesterday went well I reckon; managed 250 calories below my maintenance- going to hang around just below maintenance whilst I get into the calorie counting just for the first week or so - anyone else think this is a good idea? Need to take it steady I've had so many crash and burn attempts with restrictive diets making too sudden changes to my eating I'll try and reply with encouragement to anyone reading this who needs it x


  • DanSanthomes
    DanSanthomes Posts: 135 Member
    Sounds good to me. If you go too low too quick you might feel like you're on a diet! :-) Slow and steady will teach you about food, portion sizes, calories, satiety and, more importantly, what works for you.

    Weigh and log everything and eat foods you like that fit your calorie goals.

    Best of luck!
  • Dilvish
    Dilvish Posts: 398 Member
    Yup, sustained weight loss takes time and effort and requires lifestyle changes. These factors combined are the reason(s) most fad diets simply don't work.

    When people decide they need to lose weight, most reach for a goal weight and date. Unfortunately when that happens there is an "end" to the process. When the end arrives people tend to eventually fall back into old habits and the weight comes back.

    I think it important to recognize that as we age, we simply can't manage like we did when we were younger and losing weight and keeping it off becomes a lifelong project.

    Personally I know that in order to sustain my weight loss I have to continue eating less than I used to and that's a permanent change. I also have to exercise everyday. That is also a permanent change and also benefits my overall health. Once you recognize these changes and apply them on a daily basis the stress of losing weight disappears.

    Yes my progress is very slow (about half a pound per week) but I'm not obsessed with the weight scale, I don't worry about exceeding my caloric goal in a day (as long as I return to it the next day) and I don't have to eat like a bird.
  • ForAmanda222
    ForAmanda222 Posts: 126 Member
    Sounds good to me. If you go too low too quick you might feel like you're on a diet! :-) Slow and steady will teach you about food, portion sizes, calories, satiety and, more importantly, what works for you.

    Weigh and log everything and eat foods you like that fit your calorie goals.

    Best of luck!

    Thank you x just what i needed to hear - feel supported- makes a big difference I must say
  • ForAmanda222
    ForAmanda222 Posts: 126 Member
    Dilvish wrote: »
    Yup, sustained weight loss takes time and effort and requires lifestyle changes. These factors combined are the reason(s) most fad diets simply don't work.

    When people decide they need to lose weight, most reach for a goal weight and date. Unfortunately when that happens there is an "end" to the process. When the end arrives people tend to eventually fall back into old habits and the weight comes back.

    I think it important to recognize that as we age, we simply can't manage like we did when we were younger and losing weight and keeping it off becomes a lifelong project.

    Personally I know that in order to sustain my weight loss I have to continue eating less than I used to and that's a permanent change. I also have to exercise everyday. That is also a permanent change and also benefits my overall health. Once you recognize these changes and apply them on a daily basis the stress of losing weight disappears.

    Yes my progress is very slow (about half a pound per week) but I'm not obsessed with the weight scale, I don't worry about exceeding my caloric goal in a day (as long as I return to it the next day) and I don't have to eat like a bird.

    Yes that sounds good as well. Ive got loads to lose being overweight since a teenager try not to dwell on it x it's only recently I've realised as you say it's a life long project - realised in an existential.way. I thought this morning even if I don't lose much weight I'll be eating better and food will be something organised rather than the chaos it has been for so long. Thanks again I'll have a 're read later x and best wishes with your journey too!!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Restrictive diets suck. My doctor wanted me to go low, low carb but I know from experience that it won't work. I. Love. Bread. No point in a low carb diet where I snap after a couple weeks and eat half a bag of butter buns lol. It was a revelation that I could eat whatever and be fine.

    I haven't lost much compared to what I need/want to lose, but one thing I carried with me from weight watchers is perspective. Say you lose 5 pounds. Go find a 5 pound weight. You used to be carrying that 24/7. It's small but it's heavier than you realize.

    So take it slow. Slow is good. It still matters.
  • ForAmanda222
    ForAmanda222 Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks for the support x I got carried away by all the ultra low carb diet too. It worked well the first time for a few months till I returned to carbs. Then every time I re tried it I coulndt get a result apart from feeling unwell - like my brain was saying - hang on I know what this is and no thank you - The freedom of calories is intoxicating right now, early days though x