Sore feet!

So...I'm back in the saddle and trying to lose weight. I'm 5ft 3 and 197lbs :( I just moved to a new city for work and I take the train to/from work and so I have to walk a whole lot more than I did before, which is awesome because I sit at a desk all day. Problem is that my right foot, around the inside arch, is soooo painful. It comes and goes. Sometimes its just "first-step" pain. Other times its after walking a while. And then other times it goes away after walking a while. I wear those Sketchers gel sole runners which are super comfy, but I don't know what to do about this pain. Any suggestions?? I'm hoping it will go away after I lose more weight.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Our foot arches degenerate from inactivity, and that can cause problems like yours. Arches require regular flexing to stay healthy. Try to stretch your arches as often as you can - ideally every 30-60 minutes. Here are instructions:
    Be patient - it may take a while for your feet to heal.