Keeping your carbs down ??



  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    anniecave1 wrote: »
    We have a qualified nutritionist who does sessions at our workplace. Her advice is to avoid too many refined sugars due to diabetes risk. There are also studies to show too much refined sugar can exacerbate depression and lead to earlier risk of Alzheimer's dementia.
    She also suggests swapping wholegrain for white where possible.
    She suggests avoiding too much processed food (including processed meats).
    Her advice is also to not blindly choose "low fat" products, as sometimes lower fat just means higher added sugar.
    She also says exercise is good, but avoid being a "weekend warrior" doing loads at the weekend and nothing during the week if possible.
    Her suggestion is to try to make small changes over time and try to make eating well a good habit.

    Why do you consider her to be a "qualified" nutritionist?