3 - 5pm blowout



  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    newmum2010 wrote: »
    Thanks for your responses so far.

    My target is 1500 cals a day. I eat breakfast around 6:30: 50 gms overnight oats, almond milk, with frozen berries 250-300 cals
    11:30: Lunch is usually sandwich or salad with turkey salad around 300 cals
    Throughout the day: 3 coffees with half sugar and milk
    Around 2pm: an apple and oatcake
    Blow out usually sugar based chocolate bar or biscuits or either peanut butter or too many nuts (Totalling around 300 cals)
    Then I’ll have dinner if around 600 cals (gousto meals from scratch)
    I exercise 5 times a week (cross fit/running/ walk everyday/ HIT class (myzone states around 400 calls per session)
    I drink around 2 litres of water and sleep around 6.5 - 7 hours a night

    you may want to switch that 2pm snack to something more satiating like a protein. I will do rice cakes with cookie butter and cheese sticks, or fruit with a greek yogurt protein fruit dip and that works as well. You can still meet your calorie range with those options.
  • steph2strong
    steph2strong Posts: 426 Member
    I used to eat apples as snacks. I never really looked forward to them, never really enjoyed them and they never did anything to satisfy my hunger. Now I eat one of my favourite foods on earth, crunchy natural peanut butter on half a slice of whole grain bread, every single day. I ALWAYS look forward to it, I ALWAYS enjoy it and it allows me to manage my hunger until my next meal. You might want to consider switching up your snack and making it slightly more calorie dense.

    Also, what time of day do you exercise? because I find that can affect what time I am most hungry at and meal timing around when I exercise helps.
  • newmum2010
    newmum2010 Posts: 9 Member
    I tend to exercise at 6am (30 min HIT class) or 8pm ((CrossFit or a run) and I have all for 30 mins most lunch times
  • newmum2010
    newmum2010 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for all your advise and insights into what works for you. The last couple of days I have had a morning snack of peanut butter and apple at 11am, then lunch at 2pm once I start to feel hungry again. I’ve noticed a difference in my hunger already. Although I am definitely ready for my dinner when I arrive home, so far I’ve been more in control in the afternoon. I loved the comment earlier on in the feed “nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to eat” this has really encouraged me to think about why I was choosing those types of snacks.
    What a great forum and support network 🙂
  • jdsass82
    jdsass82 Posts: 19 Member
    Use these episodes to practice improving your discipline. Nobody is pointing a gun to your head and telling you to eat or else. You sre making a decision to do what you’re doing. Maybe the gratification you receive is greater than your weight loss goals. I assume you have such goals, otherwise you probably wouldn’t be sharing about your behavior.

    Discipline can be cultivated and made stronger with practice.

    This is terrible advice. OP is looking for solid tactics and strategies, not chastisement. You sound like a jerk.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    jdsass82 wrote: »
    Use these episodes to practice improving your discipline. Nobody is pointing a gun to your head and telling you to eat or else. You sre making a decision to do what you’re doing. Maybe the gratification you receive is greater than your weight loss goals. I assume you have such goals, otherwise you probably wouldn’t be sharing about your behavior.

    Discipline can be cultivated and made stronger with practice.

    This is terrible advice. OP is looking for solid tactics and strategies, not chastisement. You sound like a jerk.

    And yet, if you read OP's comment right above yours, she says the gun to the head comment really worked for her. Different strokes for different folks.
    newmum2010 wrote: »
    Thanks for all your advise and insights into what works for you. The last couple of days I have had a morning snack of peanut butter and apple at 11am, then lunch at 2pm once I start to feel hungry again. I’ve noticed a difference in my hunger already. Although I am definitely ready for my dinner when I arrive home, so far I’ve been more in control in the afternoon. I loved the comment earlier on in the feed “nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to eat” this has really encouraged me to think about why I was choosing those types of snacks.
    What a great forum and support network 🙂

  • vggb
    vggb Posts: 132 Member
    I struggle with hunger before dinner, usually between 2-4pm. If I don't do something for it, I'll blow it too.

    I make a glass of ice water, if that doesn't do it I eat a tblsp of Adams peanut butter.. When available I'll eat a banana or some strawberries or cherrie tomatoes, and stop there. Then it's a discipline thing.

    Now some days I don't get a craving at all. Discipline is not a bad thing, I see it as a triumph.