Post-children body shape

Today I reached the weight I was at my first midwife appointment with baby 1 (I have 2). I'm 28lbs off my goal weight, but small victories! I'm positive looking back at clothes and measuring body parts now, that I'm a size larger in clothes than I was previously at this weight-this time inches seem to be coming off my legs and arms faster than my tummy and boobs so I'm thinking I may have to go lighter on my goal weight to fit into my pre baby clothes thanks to wider bones and fat placement. Has anyone completely changed body shape after children? Did you change your goals because of it?


  • Kimmie827mfp
    Kimmie827mfp Posts: 17 Member
    edited April 2019
    Yes and no. I used to have very small waist and huge hips and thighs in my early 20s prebabies. I’m in my late 30s and 4 kids later and my waist is not so tiny. It’s much thicker as is my tummy. I think that’s more to do with aging for me though. But my loose skin doesn’t help! Also my butt use to be flat and now it’s not, but I think that’s from a couple of years of lifting heavy and not killing myself with cardio. It’s hard to say, because pregnancy changes your body, but aging also changes how you gain weight too.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Yea I look very different than when I did before babies, better different. I have smaller hips but larger and firmer glutes, more defined waist and upper body. But that took years of deliberate building to do.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    edited April 2019
    Not unusual at all. I carry a little more weight (some loose skin, some pudge) in my lower stomach and am a couple of cup sizes bigger than I was pre-babies. My waist measurement is the same. I'm a few pounds lighter and still roughly the same size as in high school (old clothes confirm - I'm actually a size smaller in new stuff thanks the vanity sizing), but things fit a bit differently. It's to be expected :smile:

  • hlr1987
    hlr1987 Posts: 151 Member
    Grr. I had it in my head that if I got to my old/ fitter weight I would be the same size but I guess that's not to be! I can see I'm losing inches evenly from the tape measure, so I obviously put fat on my middle more than elsewhere this pregnancy. I've always been disproportionately bony on top, so if I'm more balenced over all I can live with that, I'm just annoyed I have some really nice clothes I kept that may not fit right again!
  • bstanb01
    bstanb01 Posts: 30 Member
    I've been at my pre-pregnancy weight for a while and don't fit back into most of my old clothes quite right anymore. I'm trying to tone up to see if it helps some of the fat placement, but I've been slowly coming to the realization that my body isn't ever going back to what it was.