Plantar fasciitis

MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
edited May 2019 in Health and Weight Loss
Night splint. Wonder if I will be able to sleep with it on. Have had Plantar fasciitis since mid-December. Not getting any better. Feeling desperate.


  • jennyc777
    jennyc777 Posts: 10 Member
    Night splint works and also inserts in your shoes (pro steps) is good. These 2 things along with a cortisone shot is what helped me.
  • texasredreb
    texasredreb Posts: 541 Member
    I went to The Good Feet Store and got fitted with ridiculously expensive inserts that can be replaced for life for a nominal cost. They've made a positive difference in my life--after the sticker shock! They sold me an entire system of 4 different inserts, pads, and I also bought a pair of Brooks running shoes. It was about $1000.00 out the door. I found you later, I didn't have to buy the whole system and could have just bought one set of inserts for much less. The idea is that you need to "train your feet" to get used to the inserts by wearing a low pair for a while, followed by an intermediate pair and then the final pair. I got two sets of the final pair. They are the only ones I've worn beyond the first week and I certainly could have gone without the whole system.

    I get the pair I wear replaced twice a year for about $20.00. They also "re-fit" me each time to see if that is still the correct pair for my feet.
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    I have had 2 shots in the heel, maybe 10 years apart. The pain disappeared immediately. It did hurt a bit but just for 10ish seconds. Feel better.
  • melodyvegan
    melodyvegan Posts: 59 Member
    I've lived with flat feet and plantar fasciitis for years. If you're in excruciating pain and the boot isn't helping, I also recommend seeing your doctor and requesting the cortisone injection. I've had this done twice on both feet and it has offered immediate relief and relief that lasts about a couple months. However, when I finally got inserts my life changed forever. Like @texasredreb I also went to The Good Feet store and got fitted for inserts. Unlike them, I only bought two pairs though -- the dailies and the exercise ones. It was definitely expensive but still cost less than getting custom made ones. In retrospect, I wish I had gotten just one pair because I mostly wear the ones they suggest you wear for exercising. Anyway, they replace them for very cheap for life. I have had mine since 2016 and haven't needed them replaced yet. The price was definitely worth it for the fact that I've been relatively pain free for 3 years after nearly a decade of pain and that plus all the mobility I got back is invaluable.

    I also use a spiky massage ball every morning and night to massage the bottoms of my feet. It helps a lot! Like this one: 321 STRONG Spike Massage Ball - Foot Massager for Plantar Fasciitis

    I hope you get some relief soon, @MIM49!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I have had it in the past. It doesn't come back. I do an almost daily exercise. Before getting out of bed point your toes down hard - count to 10, then point them back hard - count to 10. Do this 10 times. If you're having a flareup do it more often. I've found that a flareup is usually caused by shoes that lack support, or are getting older. Rolling a tennis ball under your foot while watching TV is also helpful.
  • jnomadica
    jnomadica Posts: 280 Member
    I found that physical therapy and custom made inserts help tremendously. I did have to give up running and find other ways to exercise, or it would flare up.
  • chelny
    chelny Posts: 179 Member
    I have had it in the past. It doesn't come back. I do an almost daily exercise. Before getting out of bed point your toes down hard - count to 10, then point them back hard - count to 10. Do this 10 times. If you're having a flareup do it more often. I've found that a flareup is usually caused by shoes that lack support, or are getting older. Rolling a tennis ball under your foot while watching TV is also helpful.

    I was going to ask if you’ve tried any stretches or exercises like this. This is what helped me with PF. Here’s a video with some examples.
  • 30kgin2017
    30kgin2017 Posts: 228 Member
    Revamped my footwear, supportive sandals. Orthotics in my runners, compression sock all day bar sleeping for 6 months. Now I can run without orthotics, but I do notice that my foot has some residual tightness and stretching still helps heaps.
  • egbert2016
    egbert2016 Posts: 37 Member
    I used the night splint for a little while and it definitely helped. It is not the most comfortable thing, but it worked quickly and I only needed it for about a month. After that, I was able to keep it under control with stretching and wearing orthotics in my shoes. So I stopped using the splint at that point.

    A little advice: if you are a side sleeper, put a pillow between your knees/calves. If you sleep on your back, put a pillow under your knees. The foot position is not necessarily uncomfortable; it's the splint banging into your other leg that is uncomfortable! If you can wear sweatpants over the splint when you sleep, that would help too but it might be too hot at this time of year.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    I found night splints uncomfortable and reduced my sleep, so before trying them, stretch your arches every 15 minutes and calves every hour, for 30 seconds. Use a reminder app to stay on schedule.

    What do you think started the PF?
  • annshandle
    annshandle Posts: 68 Member
    I've also been battling PF since last summer. I'm on my second cortisone shot. They really make a difference but they wear off after a while. I have a night splint that my dr told me to wear for a minimum of 2 hours a night. I also have orthotics that my dr sold me ($50). I don't wear them as much as I should as they don't fit in all my shoes. it's going to be a bigger problem going into summer when I usually wear sandals and flip flops.

    I find that stretching really helps, as does icing and the spiky ball. My dr said if the pain comes back after this shot he'll send me to PT.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    I'm a light sleeper and had concerns about it as well but I found it tolerable. In fact the return on the investment was well worth it. I slept with it every night for two weeks and after that started only wearing it occasionally and it’s done it’s job. I haven’t had any issue in months which is surprising considering the crazy looking heel spur I have, it looks like a dang talon.
    As others stated above, I also revamp my life style. I go barefooted far less than I use to, I wear supportive footwear in the house, back yard and even on the beach. I do stretches to reduce tightness as well.
    Good luck and best fishes. :smiley:
  • texasredreb
    texasredreb Posts: 541 Member
    My tip to fellow PF sufferers is to always wear supportive shoes --spend the extra money it's worth it. I'll for go fashion for support any day of the week, although I'm finding that more and more fashionable shoes are providing some amount of arch support and/or I'm able to add my Good Feet arch supports to them.

    A tip from my podiatrist is to never go barefoot, except in the shower and to never wear flip flops or thong type sandals without a supportive foot bed. I don't wear flip flops or thongs, but I do wear Birkenstocks and Chacos.

    I've found that one of my three pairs of inserts will fit into just about every shoe I have except for the Birkenstocks, but they have enough arch support that I don't need them in those shoes. I use my lesser used pairs in heels and other non-daily wear shoes so I'm getting minimal use of them.

    My arches fell about 2" when I first went to the doctor. I used self foot massage and the GFS products along with quality shoes and haven't needed any cortisone shots or nighttime supports. I don't walk barefoot ever, not even from my bed to the toilet in the middle of the night.
  • almostsuperpowered
    almostsuperpowered Posts: 135 Member
    doing the foot and leg stretches as some of these folks have suggested is key! also rolling it out on a ball or frozen water bottle hurts like hell ut helps
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    Do a search. There are lots of people who have had this and asked for advice. It's not going away because you're either not treating it, or you're too active and aggravating it. Mine is totally gone, but it took a lot of work and patience.
  • Chelle8070
    Chelle8070 Posts: 165 Member
    The splint/brace is fabulous! I had plantar fasciitis in both feet while working in a precast concrete plant 15+ hours a day.

    The splint/brace is so fabulous that sometimes I wear it now just because I like the stretch it gives my feet.

    I didn't rest mine, I couldn't with work, not for long anyway.... so I had it for 3 months.

    Roll a frozen water bottle under your foot, do a google search for stretches and do them religiously, take ibuprofen as needed, be mindful when standing up after being seated for a bit. You got this!
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    Many excellent pieces of advice already given that I use, as well. I also wear these compression arches, and they have made a huge difference.

  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    I have had 2 shots in the heel, maybe 10 years apart. The pain disappeared immediately. It did hurt a bit but just for 10ish seconds. Feel better.

    Thanks. I had 2 cortisone shots a month apart. Unfortunately did not help at all. Caused cortisone flare. Pain was intense. Lasted 3 days.
  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    edited May 2019
    chelny wrote: »
    I have had it in the past. It doesn't come back. I do an almost daily exercise. Before getting out of bed point your toes down hard - count to 10, then point them back hard - count to 10. Do this 10 times. If you're having a flareup do it more often. I've found that a flareup is usually caused by shoes that lack support, or are getting older. Rolling a tennis ball under your foot while watching TV is also helpful.

    I was going to ask if you’ve tried any stretches or exercises like this. This is what helped me with PF. Here’s a video with some examples.

    Yes. I think the stretching exercises have caused more microtears in the fascia as pain has increased 10 fold since starting exercises. I am doing a lot of icing, resting, and wearing the splint. I have inserts but have found Birkenstocks give the most relief. So far 2 different podiatrists have not done much. Both say it can take awhile to get better.
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    I get this from time to time.

    *I've never tried the night splint, but I will prop my toes against something while sleeping. Either a wall, or tuck the sheets in and prop it against the sheets. It puts my foot in similar position and stretches it out while I sleep.
    *Use a tennis ball and roll your foot over the top of it every day, using as firm of pressure as you can stand.
    *Stretch your feet out daily.
    Stand on a stair while holding on to the bannister, and let your feet hang from the ball of your feet. You should feel this in your calves, Achilles tendon, and your heel.
    Do an against wall calf stretch, where you put your hands against the wall, and your leg behind you. Try to lean into the stretch enough to feel it through your calves and Achilles tendon.
    Another simple one, sit on your knees with your toes pressed against the ground. Hold this pose for a few minutes. Like this:

    Also, it helps me to rotate my shoes around. If I wear the same shoes for too long I seem to get it. Probably because the shoes are getting worn out and losing their support. And, I'm too cheap to go buy new ones, lol.