Why am I not losing?

I'm becoming so disheartened with my weight lately. Last year I lost 8 stone with calorie counting and I still have four to lose but I seem to be staying the same/ gaining now.
I'm not sure what to do. I eat within my calories and exercise but it's not shifting I'm beginning to feel so depressed.
Can anyone help?


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    Are you using a food scale? Many people with a lot to lose can get away with not using one in the beginning, but as your weight drops you get to a point where not using one doesn't cut it anymore. It'd also help to know how long you've stayed the same weight.
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    I assume you've been updating your calorie goal as you lost weight?
  • beth_kai
    beth_kai Posts: 27 Member
    Are you using a food scale? Many people with a lot to lose can get away with not using one in the beginning, but as your weight drops you get to a point where not using one doesn't cut it anymore. It'd also help to know how long you've stayed the same weight.

    A food scale to measure my food? If so, Yeah I've used that the whole time. I'm just now feeling that I don't know how many calories I need and my weight is no longer dropping.
  • beth_kai
    beth_kai Posts: 27 Member
    ceiswyn wrote: »
    I assume you've been updating your calorie goal as you lost weight?

    Yeah, mfp worked it out for me and I've been sticking to it or just under. Like I said, i exercise three days a week at the gym, both cardio and strength training.
    Is this just a lull and I'll eventually start losing again? It's been about a month since I lost any weight now.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    But have you updated your weight in your goals on MFP? If you set it once and have stuck to the same calorie goal ever since, then that would be why you're not losing. (Smaller bodies need less calories to maintain.)

    Otherwise, try setting your goal to maintain your weight for 2-3 weeks and take a "diet break", then go back to a deficit. Sometimes we just need a bit of a mental and physical rest from restriction.

    Weight loss will slow down as you get closer to goal weight, but if you still have 4 stone to lose then that shouldn't be happening yet.

    Congratulations on your loss so far, though, that's awesome work! Try to stay positive and accept that it won't always be consistent, and stick with it.
  • rossbaker2_sc
    rossbaker2_sc Posts: 43 Member
    Have you measured yourself to see if there have been changes that you might not be seeing on the scale?
  • beth_kai
    beth_kai Posts: 27 Member
    SueSueDio wrote: »
    But have you updated your weight in your goals on MFP? If you set it once and have stuck to the same calorie goal ever since, then that would be why you're not losing. (Smaller bodies need less calories to maintain.)

    Otherwise, try setting your goal to maintain your weight for 2-3 weeks and take a "diet break", then go back to a deficit. Sometimes we just need a bit of a mental and physical rest from restriction.

    Weight loss will slow down as you get closer to goal weight, but if you still have 4 stone to lose then that shouldn't be happening yet.

    Congratulations on your loss so far, though, that's awesome work! Try to stay positive and accept that it won't always be consistent, and stick with it.

    I've just checked it all, mfp sets my daily calorie goal at 1200 which I've been eating, does that sound right to you? Because I had read online that that's too few calories so lately I've been concerned that I'm doing something wrong. My current stats are 5'6" 13st 3lbs with a goal of 9st, down from 22st 7lbs.
    Also, thank you so much for the kind words and praise. It means a lot.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    beth_kai wrote: »
    SueSueDio wrote: »
    But have you updated your weight in your goals on MFP? If you set it once and have stuck to the same calorie goal ever since, then that would be why you're not losing. (Smaller bodies need less calories to maintain.)

    Otherwise, try setting your goal to maintain your weight for 2-3 weeks and take a "diet break", then go back to a deficit. Sometimes we just need a bit of a mental and physical rest from restriction.

    Weight loss will slow down as you get closer to goal weight, but if you still have 4 stone to lose then that shouldn't be happening yet.

    Congratulations on your loss so far, though, that's awesome work! Try to stay positive and accept that it won't always be consistent, and stick with it.

    I've just checked it all, mfp sets my daily calorie goal at 1200 which I've been eating, does that sound right to you? Because I had read online that that's too few calories so lately I've been concerned that I'm doing something wrong. My current stats are 5'6" 13st 3lbs with a goal of 9st, down from 22st 7lbs.
    Also, thank you so much for the kind words and praise. It means a lot.

    If you were eating too little you'd be losing weight. Can you open your diary up to see if there are any anomalies in your logging we can spot.

  • dives371
    dives371 Posts: 2 Member
    You have done so well! What an inspiration! I don't think 1 month is too bad for a plateau. You may want to change up your exercise routine or try something new. Sometimes new muscle movement kick starts your metabolism too.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    beth_kai wrote: »
    SueSueDio wrote: »
    But have you updated your weight in your goals on MFP? If you set it once and have stuck to the same calorie goal ever since, then that would be why you're not losing. (Smaller bodies need less calories to maintain.)

    Otherwise, try setting your goal to maintain your weight for 2-3 weeks and take a "diet break", then go back to a deficit. Sometimes we just need a bit of a mental and physical rest from restriction.

    Weight loss will slow down as you get closer to goal weight, but if you still have 4 stone to lose then that shouldn't be happening yet.

    Congratulations on your loss so far, though, that's awesome work! Try to stay positive and accept that it won't always be consistent, and stick with it.

    I've just checked it all, mfp sets my daily calorie goal at 1200 which I've been eating, does that sound right to you? Because I had read online that that's too few calories so lately I've been concerned that I'm doing something wrong. My current stats are 5'6" 13st 3lbs with a goal of 9st, down from 22st 7lbs.
    Also, thank you so much for the kind words and praise. It means a lot.

    I'm also 5'6", very sedentary, and currently hovering around 11st after regaining a bit. (And I'm in my fifties.) My maintenance is around 1700 calories or so.

    Now, everyone is different. You'll see lighter, often shorter women post that they can maintain on close to 2,000 calories and saying they are sedentary... I suspect they're more active than they think, but regardless there's no one "magic" calorie goal for everyone of a certain height or weight. 1,200 is a recommended minimum for women to ensure you get good nutrition.

    That said, if you were truly eating 1,200 then you would be losing weight. If you've been accurately and honestly weighing/logging all of your intake, including drinks, sauces and condiments, then there might be some errors in your logging that opening your diary would help to find (as mentioned by @tinkerbellang83 ).

    Please understand that when someone says "You're eating more than you think", that doesn't mean they think you're greedy or anything like that. It's just that it's very easy to underestimate the amount we eat, and to forget - consciously or otherwise - to log some things. Also the database here is user-generated, and not all the entries are accurate. You may have been choosing incorrect entries that have skewed your calorie count. Experienced users can help to spot these things, if you're willing to let people have a look at your diary.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    Have you measured yourself to see if there have been changes that you might not be seeing on the scale?

    Also, this. Sometimes weight loss stalls for a bit but there are still other changes going on.

    How often do you weigh yourself, OP? And do you use a trending weight app like Libra or Happy Scale to smooth out the inevitable bumps?