1 lbs gain per week

If I set my goal and calculator to 1 lbs gained per week...Will that result in mostly muscle or will it pretty much be an even split between muscle and fat gain?

Where should my macros be to ensure it is mostly muscle being gained?


  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    The answer lies in your training, care to share details?
  • inherentst0rm
    inherentst0rm Posts: 84 Member
    Well I was doing SL5x5 for about 4 months but looking to switch to P.H.U.L for the next 4 months if not longer.
  • inherentst0rm
    inherentst0rm Posts: 84 Member
    Also I am down to 170lbs and 5'9....my goal is to get back to 180 with muscle, now that I trimmed all but 18% off my BF.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Just to clarify, are you 18% bodyfat? As a male that is fairly high to start a bulk (unless I am misunderstanding).

    In order to keep fat gains at bay.. you want to start off lean, 10-12% and under for a male I believe. 1lb per week gain is fine as a male but I probably wouldn't go higher than that. Also follow a proper progressive lifting program, getting adequate protein (~1g per lb bodyweight minimum).
  • inherentst0rm
    inherentst0rm Posts: 84 Member
    Yes, but I keep hovering around here without much change and would like to start seeing them gains...which is my ultimate overall goal.

    While dieting I was at 1.2 to 1.5 grams per lbs on average, so should I lower it?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    If you bulk at 18% you will gain mostly fat, unfortunately. I would recommend you keep cutting or maybe hang out at maintenance.

    No you don't have to lower it, it is the minimum. While reaching protein goals is important in a surplus, it is not as important as cutting to preserve muscle. Some people find it very filling and it can help to lower it a bit to reach a high calorie bulking goal.
  • inherentst0rm
    inherentst0rm Posts: 84 Member
    Should I hold off on switching from Strong Lifts then until I am at a better place to start a hypertrophy program?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    A program like PHUL can be quite taxing in a deficit due to the high volume. Are you still progressing with Strong Lifts?
  • inherentst0rm
    inherentst0rm Posts: 84 Member
    Kind of, I'm not seeing any real growth at all but I think it's because I am at too much of a deficit.
  • manowarrule2003
    manowarrule2003 Posts: 118 Member
    Because we are all so unique.... Im of the attitude now where i just try something. This will give me real life experience and something to learn from. Just try it mate, if it doesn't work out how you planned, well atleast youve learnt what not to do. Hope this helps
  • billkansas
    billkansas Posts: 267 Member
    If sounds like you should cut down to about 160 lbs and stick to Strong Lifts. Then in 5 weeks you can start your bulk. Maybe abs will make it worth it.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    Is staying where you’re at BW-wise and focusing on becoming more athletic and stronger an option you’d consider?

    Many dudes would be delighted to have what you have?

    What is your ideal destination and what would you do then?
  • nkzard
    nkzard Posts: 19 Member
    Listen mate contrary to what the others are saying, I think if you don't already have much muscle, cutting is just pointless and demoralizing. 1lb a week is fine but you will gain a little fat. To minimize this, train intensely on a bodybuilding program, NOT stronglifts. Make sure you earn the calories and most importantly eat clean. That's all you can do bro good luck.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    nkzard wrote: »
    Listen mate contrary to what the others are saying, I think if you don't already have much muscle, cutting is just pointless and demoralizing. 1lb a week is fine but you will gain a little fat. To minimize this, train intensely on a bodybuilding program, NOT stronglifts. Make sure you earn the calories and most importantly eat clean. That's all you can do bro good luck.

    The thing is, it really depends on OP's goals. If he just wants to get really big, increase his lifts and doesn't care about fat gain, then sure he could bulk I suppose. Nutrient partitioning is poor when someone gains and is at a high bodyfat%. So if he wants ab definition at some point, and he bulks now, he is going to have a really hard time cutting after the bulk. Not only does he have to cut the weight he gains (which will be mostly fat) but the fat he had in the first place. If OP was close to the lower end of the BMI and high bodyfat I would agree with you and just bulk but that is not the case, OP is 5'9 and 170lbs and I would imagine he has quite a bit of muscle hiding under the fat.

    In the end he has to do what he wants. Sometimes trying things out for yourself (right or wrong) is the best way to learn.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    At 5'9" and 170, I would guess you to be at a lower BF% but hard to say without a pic. How are you determining your BF%?
  • nkzard
    nkzard Posts: 19 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    nkzard wrote: »
    Listen mate contrary to what the others are saying, I think if you don't already have much muscle, cutting is just pointless and demoralizing. 1lb a week is fine but you will gain a little fat. To minimize this, train intensely on a bodybuilding program, NOT stronglifts. Make sure you earn the calories and most importantly eat clean. That's all you can do bro good luck.

    The thing is, it really depends on OP's goals. If he just wants to get really big, increase his lifts and doesn't care about fat gain, then sure he could bulk I suppose. Nutrient partitioning is poor when someone gains and is at a high bodyfat%. So if he wants ab definition at some point, and he bulks now, he is going to have a really hard time cutting after the bulk. Not only does he have to cut the weight he gains (which will be mostly fat) but the fat he had in the first place. If OP was close to the lower end of the BMI and high bodyfat I would agree with you and just bulk but that is not the case, OP is 5'9 and 170lbs and I would imagine he has quite a bit of muscle hiding under the fat.

    In the end he has to do what he wants. Sometimes trying things out for yourself (right or wrong) is the best way to learn.

    Fair play, you're right at the end of the day you just have to try and see what happens!

    In my experience,cutting with little muscle just left me smaller, not leaner. Only now after building muscle for a couple years, cutting makes progress.
    But I suppose you're right everyone's different!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,937 Member
    edited May 2019
    Has anyone considered that:

    a) you don't need to be in a large deficit and you could be at a smaller deficit or maintenance to facilitate strength development.

    b) you don't have to be on a one lb a week bulk (which is considerable) in order to build muscles. You could do that at maintenance (with sufficient existing fat deposits) and you could do it at a smaller surplus, for example while targeting a HALF lb a week bulk.

    There exist many intermediate options in addition to rapid cuts and rapid bulks.
  • inherentst0rm
    inherentst0rm Posts: 84 Member
    mmapags wrote: »
    At 5'9" and 170, I would guess you to be at a lower BF% but hard to say without a pic. How are you determining your BF%?

    Just a scale, but I set an appointment on Monday to do an actual scan...

    I actually think I am just going to eat at maintenance for a bit, I think I am just burned out from dieting so extreme for so long....Since I have only 4 months of lifting under my belt I think I should still see some progress from that?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    mmapags wrote: »
    At 5'9" and 170, I would guess you to be at a lower BF% but hard to say without a pic. How are you determining your BF%?

    Just a scale, but I set an appointment on Monday to do an actual scan...

    I actually think I am just going to eat at maintenance for a bit, I think I am just burned out from dieting so extreme for so long....Since I have only 4 months of lifting under my belt I think I should still see some progress from that?

    I think that's a good plan. That scale reading isn't accurate at all. Sometime they are off low depending on where you carry fat.

    What kind of scan are you getting? Bear in mind that all methods have some margin of error.

    Bulking is not the only way to gain muscle. Some like bulk/cut cycles. But some of us recomp, eat at maintenance and train. It's a slow process but bulk and cuts take time also.
  • inherentst0rm
    inherentst0rm Posts: 84 Member
    Don't know what it's called but you stand in place and turn a few times? It's just at my gym not a doctor's office or anything....

    I really don't want to be much heavier than 170 to 180 in the end, I'm just tired of looking like a scrawny twig all the time. So I think gradually getting there would be okay.