

  • chronic1977
    i would like to run a half, then a full.. i have been running about 3 to 4 miles a day for the past two months... does anyone have a training schedule i could follow.. i have never really ran long distances that much i was a sprinter... i am not sure how to train for one... any suggestions would be great
  • princesspurple
    I just found this but looks like nobody is posting anymore! I am running my first marathon in November. Are any of you still training?
  • DJH510
    DJH510 Posts: 114 Member
    yeah training for one at the start of october, so very near the end of my training now! Its good very well so far although i have neglected my long runs more than I should have, having not even done a 20 miler yet. but theres still time, and am confident I'll get a 20 miler in on saturday!
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Good luck!!!! I'm just a baby runner - just "graduated" from the Couch to 5K program. I'm *almost* down to a sub-40 minute 5K - which must seem turtle speed to you! My first 5K is Sunday - the WTC Run to Remember. Then I'm following that up the 12th with the Komen Race for the Cure (which I'm counting as my first since I registered for it first and the one this week was more spur of the moment just to get outside since it's a flat course)!

    My longer-term goal is to do the WDW Princess Half Marathon in 2012. I wasn't sure that I could get up for it by 2011 AND I'm going to Florence, Italy the week before, so even finding out that even walking I'm above the minimum pace I can't do it in 2011. But 2012, here I come!

    If anyone's interested in my twitter (I talk about all kinds of things) it's @APrincessAsleep
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member

    I am now registered for the 2011 Walt Disney World Half Marathon!!!! January 8!!!

    SOOOOOOOO excited!!! And obviously nervous...but in a good way.
  • mrsrunnerchick
    I'm doing the full the next day! :)
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I'm still here...doing my last long run this weekend which will be 20-22 miles, then taper time.

    T minus 26 days to 26.2!!