Diet and exercise with fibro

Hi has anyone else got fibro?? If so do you have any ideas or help
Im finding it so hard to diet with my fibro x


  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Good morning, there are many on MFP with fibro and other similar disorders.

    My issue is Hashimoto's which can have similar symptoms and differentiation is so complex even for the medics. I'm fortunate I do have my antibody numbers controlled now by addressing dietary issues, more of a functional approach rather than, General Western Medicine.

    You could find it easier dietary wise not to set yourself too many changes all at once, gently move towards the form of diet you prefer. Sometimes it can help to ease into changes by setting yourself to maintain and make changes from there, you could find yourself coming in under the suggested calorie level which would be more effective adding to your feel good self, than constantly going over will.

    If you are contemplating exercise too, keep it to the days when you feel able rather than making yourself. Even if you can only move a little more on good days, it will help with your well being. Pushing yourself too much will be counterproductive you will feel worse doing too much. Exercise in and of itself does not necessarily cause weight loss, it can help but it is not essential. Many find logging exercise gives them extra calories they enjoy being able to have bigger meals or snacks they enjoy, this is if you exclude exercise in your suggested set up.

    I do have a friend who is in her 20's who has struggled for as long as I have known her and a lifetime before with Fibro, her recent saving grace has been achieving a hypothyroid diagnosis with a doctor who has looked at her specifically and her bodies requirements, she is now regularly exercising and doing so much better, she has a trip of a life time planned for the autumn. It really helped her to go privately, like myself, which is a sin because not everyone can take this option.

    I hope someone who may be more helpful to you will pass by soon. For now wishing you all the very best.
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    I do. I found that I had a lot of food triggers thst increased oain, so figuring those out helped.

    For food- I have been carefully trying to find recipes that are beyond easy to make, but fit my nutrient/calorie needs and then I make a meal plan and have these foods pre-made so they are ready to eat quickly. I try to eat a little nibble every 2 hours or so, and not letting myself get hungry makes me less likely to want to snack on junk food type things. Also having the food wuick to make means I am more likely to stay with it and not get too tired making it, you know?

    I have things like a handful of nuts and an apple. A quick sandwhich type thing. I cook a bunch of ground meat all at once and use it through the week with different additions.
  • Mm2Hh7
    Mm2Hh7 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I have Fibro!! 💜 Feel free to DM me if you wanna chat about it