Macro splits

All the TDEE and Macro calculators have given me a calorie target....but then its down to me to decide if i want high/moderate/low carb/protein.....Im not sure which to high protein better than high carb for building muscle?

I've shifted the fat i wanted to and have no need/desire to lose more fat or weight. I weight train 5 days a week and have done for 5 months. I train splits and each session takes around 1hr 15 mins.
I have happily watched my shape change (muscle & strength gains) while my weight and body fat% has remained unchanged...which I find odd, but hey ho.
Height: 5"7
Weight: 126 lbs
Body fat %: 20 (according to BIA body fat monitor)

I've been on 1800 calories a day with 200g carbs (45%), 59g fat (30%), 111g protein (25%) decided by an online calculator. I've noticed I'm feeling hungrier so am going to up my calories to 2000 a day.....but what split to choose to support my goal of supporting my weight training & recovery. Im not looking to get huge...but i would like to see progress (either in the look of muscle or just strength), happy with slow progress

Basically...after all that, what I'm saying do you choose the correct macro split? :-)


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    As long as you are getting adequate protein, enough fats, you can play around with the carbs to see what works best for you and your workout performance. I like to follow these recommendations for macros by grams per lean body mass (or in your case current weight)
    Protein: 0.8 to 1g
    Fats: 0.35 to 0.6g
    Carbs: The rest
    Make sure you are eating to maintain your weight and your training is progressive and suited to your goals (strength, body composition, etc).
    Being already fairly lean, you may not see as much body composition/muscle building changes if you were higher in bodyfat, but be patient and definitely give it a try!