I really screwed up



  • jilladelphia345
    jilladelphia345 Posts: 1 Member
    Look at your day. You reverted to an old behavior for a reason: were you distressed, did you need to feel like you needed to be taken care of, did you feel entitled to binge, did you "earn it"? You need to see your motivation and put it in context. There is a reason you overhauled your life vis-a-vis diet. The old you is dead, stop making her a recurring ghost in your series. Stop going back to a quick comfort. You are stronger than this.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    Hopefully you enjoyed it while in the moment.

    I like pizza but the eating out type is on my do not eat list because of moderation issues. I’ve decided that I like how my body now looks more than a couple extra slices of pizza.

    I do buy and eat a Trader Joe’s three-cheese pizza. Eat the entire pizza about 930 calories and make it fit within my daily budget.

    Regroup and continue marching forward.
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    Learn and move on :)
  • JasJaworska
    JasJaworska Posts: 22 Member
    The more you push your cravings the harder they'll hit you, sometimes it's best to just eat your second favorite food and drink , but don't beat yourself up about this, it's all about moderation. As long as you get back on schedule, I see no problem with a binge. :)
  • ultra_violets
    ultra_violets Posts: 202 Member
    It was one day. And it's in the past. You have to be able to get right back up on the horse and say today is a new day. Drink a lot of water and don't feel like you have to punish yourself for it. You're human. We all need a treat once in a while.
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    It is okay! Don't be too hard on yourself. We all give in sometimes - it is inevitable, IMO. It's the past now - leave the past in the past, and focus on kicking butt in the present. You've got this!
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I've been screwing up at least 1 night every couple weeks for 4 years.

    One night does not undo months of good. Learn from it and move on.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Usually when people make posts like this, I encourage them to look at the numbers for perspective.

    Yes, a whole pizza, depending on the type of crust and toppings can be pretty calorie dense. But a 10 inch pizza isn't enormous. Did you log the calories? A bottle of wine on top of that is probably another 750 cals or so. But if you regularly eat at a deficit, and especially if you are active - are you always right at your calorie goal for the day/week? What is your deficit set at? Are you trying to lose 1 lb/week? 2 lbs/week? You likely have a weekly calorie deficit of 3,500 cals, if you are set to lose 1 lb/week. So even with that overindulgence, you probably didn't completely undo your deficit for the week, if you've been on track besides this particular night.

    One thing to be mindful of is that you could see a short term spike on the scale from increased carbs/sodium if this was more than you usually eat - every time I have pizza I see a bump on the scale for a couple days even if I do keep it within my calorie goal.

    Sorry about your dog, hope you get some better news there soon.
  • witchwithwineuk
    witchwithwineuk Posts: 3 Member
    I have a whole 10” thin base home made pizza every other weekend using lots roast veg ( peppers, mushrooms, onions etc), low fat cheese plus garlic, pizza seasoning. Comes it at under 750 calories. I just eat salad, fruit, yogurt eggs etc for the rest of the day and stay under my daily calorie count. Sometimes manage glass of wine also.
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    I love how everyone is saying that it was only ONE day this will NOT derail you unless you let it- and I know that you will not- pick yourself up- log it then move on
  • InspectorRed
    InspectorRed Posts: 757 Member
    Life has to be about balance, so sometimes denying yourself that food or drink that you really want isn't the right answer. This weekend my middle child got married, my hubby & I did the cooking for the reception and the bride's family was involved very, very little so we also took care of setting up for the ceremony and the reception. It was such a hectic and fun weekend, starting Thursday night, that I did absolutely no calorie tracking, no logging of foods or exercise (which would have only been carrying chairs and setting up tables anyway), I just didn't have the time. However, being fully invested in my son's big day was way more important that keeping track of every little thing that I ate or drank (and believe me there was alot of drinking LOL)....there has to be balance.