Hello I to have over 100 lbs to lose.

Hi looks like you starting the weight lose journey as well. You may add me if you like. I don't have any friends on here yet but hope to soon.


  • amber1985sims
    amber1985sims Posts: 7 Member
    I am 5'7 and weigh 370lbs. My goal is to lose 30 to 40 lbs by July 2nd when my next weigh in with my Doctor is.
  • gerrunde
    gerrunde Posts: 2 Member
    Yu can do it
  • Shelly_Smallz
    Shelly_Smallz Posts: 3 Member
    You’ve got this!! I don’t have any friends yet either but I’ll definitely add you so we can stay motivated and get through this together!!!
  • Ichabodny
    Ichabodny Posts: 7 Member
    I am at the same place. Also adding (tried to yesterday but hadn't quite gotten how this works down yet 😃).
  • AngeliqueBundy
    AngeliqueBundy Posts: 76 Member
    Hi! I’m not far off from what you want to lose. At my highest I was 263. I got down to 185. Then my birthday came “I’ll just have a piece of my favorite pie for my birthday” (Birthday, November 29) ate more than “a piece”. Then got more of those pies all the way through Christmas and ate more than a piece. Started to get back on track but keep slipping. Think I finally hit rock bottom again so I’m here trying to stay motivated and help motivate others if I can. So, starting over at 210.
    We can totally do this!
  • CharlieCharlie007
    CharlieCharlie007 Posts: 246 Member
    You can all friend me if you like. I have some real bad *kitten* individuals on my list, peruse at your leisure.
  • bhlavac5560
    bhlavac5560 Posts: 13 Member
    I just started over... again. Two years ago I lost 60lbs in six months, and I got over confident, gained it all back plus some. I’m only 4 days in so far, and 7.2lbs into a total 150 lb weight loss journey. I’d love to have people to hold myself accountable to. We can all do this!
  • stevenlayne74
    stevenlayne74 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello Feel free to add me :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,794 Member
    You are welcome to add me .....Wishing you the very best on your journey :)
  • MissKristy35
    MissKristy35 Posts: 13 Member
    Add me! I'm trying to lose over 100 lbs as well