In search of some Meal Plans

I am trying to meal prep, but need some ideas and possibly see someone elses meal plan. I am trying to see what 2000 calories a day looks like. Cuz I am either to low on calories or to high, there is no median. TIA


  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Instead of trying to hit 2000 every day try to hit 14000 every week. This way some days can be over and some under. Just hit the weekly number and don't worry so much about the daily.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Get yourself a spreadsheet and write in some kinds of meals you like, look up the calorie content for amounts that seem likely, and see how they add up. Adjust. Educating yourself on the things YOU like so you end up with a general overview of your high and low calories preferences will be far more helpful than being told what to eat.
  • sketch_0518
    sketch_0518 Posts: 7 Member
    I’ve been working on a macro-based nutrition plan, and the one thing I’ll definitely say I’d be kind to yourself and take a “dial-it-in-over-time” approach. I’ve been beating myself up for not getting super close to my macro breakdown (47% protein, 28% carbs, 25% fat) and its frustrating.

    I used MFP to find clean foods to put in a spreadsheet with nutritional content, etc. Then, I allot my macros across meals throughout the day. Once I have the breakdown, I know how much food I need to fit into those meals to hit my targets.

    I have to keep it simple or I’ll lose my mind, but after a week or so I’m still trying to work it out.

    Good luck! Let us know how it goes!

  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    It's nice to have some options to choose from for each meal so that you're not eating the same thing every day. I've been on meal plans before and life gets very sad. For me anyway, who enjoys food and eating and do not see food simply as "fuel".

    What I do now is similar to what was mentioned above already - I sort of plan out different meals and then I go to one of them.

    For example - breakfast for me can range from the following choices (amounts vary depending on if i'm trying to lose weight or maintain - so 2 eggs or 3 eggs, or 1 toast or 2 toast for example): eggs, toast, cheese OR oats pancake made with egg whites, yoghurt, honey, fruit OR protein oats with fruit and almond milk. Within these basic combinations I play around with amounts based on my overall calorie needs for the day.

    It's a bit of time consuming effort, but once you have your "meal plan options" all worked out it's just a matter of choosing what you want to eat on that day.