
I’ve had great success w MFP and recently decided to start tracking again after I noticed an 8 pound gain (over time). For the past two weeks I have worked out every day and tracked almost everything and yet when I stepped on the scale I was only down .8. I am a woman in my mid-40s and I know weight loss gets harder but this really was quite discouraging. I literally eat kale everyday, very few carbs, lots of veggies and lean protein so don’t think it is diet driven. I do drink some wine but have had less of that over the past few week. Anyway, just wanted to vent.


  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    is this exercise new? or increased? if so you muscles may be holding onto extra water to repair themselves masking some of the loss. it will flush out eventually.

    also, with only 8lb to lose you should consider a 0.5lb/week rate of loss to ensure you protect muscles. So you are actually on track for that.

    for weight loss it's calories in calories out (being in a deficit). it doesn't really matter how clean one eats (though that cam impact satiety and overall health - just not weight loss directly). I lost 50+lbs eating zero kale and not caring about carbs.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Maybe its other factors.
    Creamer in coffee,
    Oil/butter in the kale
    How did you work out, how long, how many calories did you burn?
  • Teabythesea_
    Teabythesea_ Posts: 559 Member
    jennmarg wrote: »
    I literally eat kale everyday, very few carbs, lots of veggies and lean protein so don’t think it is diet driven. I do drink some wine but have had less of that over the past few week.

    None of this matters for weight loss. You can do all of these things and still fail to lose weight if you are not in a calorie deficit. How are you tracking your food? Are you using a food scale?

    Also, it's only been 2 weeks. Normal fluctuations can mask weight loss. Give it more time.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    jennmarg wrote: »
    I’ve had great success w MFP and recently decided to start tracking again after I noticed an 8 pound gain (over time). For the past two weeks I have worked out every day and tracked almost everything and yet when I stepped on the scale I was only down .8. I am a woman in my mid-40s and I know weight loss gets harder but this really was quite discouraging. I literally eat kale everyday, very few carbs, lots of veggies and lean protein so don’t think it is diet driven. I do drink some wine but have had less of that over the past few week. Anyway, just wanted to vent.

    If you still have a cycle, water weight fluctuations can make short term scale watching treacherous. Because you are down to the nitty gritty, you should really only be losing 0.5-1lb per week, and water weight fluctuations can be several lbs up or down.

    Now would be a great time to focus more on accurate logging and calories, and less on micro-managing your diet and living & dying by the scale. Just to preserve your sanity if nothing else :lol: It is totally normal to only see the scale move once or twice a month when you're close to the end!
  • liz0269
    liz0269 Posts: 139 Member
    I weigh daily and use a weekly average to compute my loss for the week. That evens out the scale fluctuations and gives me a more accurate picture.
  • jennmarg
    jennmarg Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks all!!
  • bellissimaluna
    bellissimaluna Posts: 75 Member
    Ugggggg....I am right there with you.......I have been so sad about doing good only to see the scale not change one bit. Hang in will see results.