Negative calories from exercise

I have set up my calorie goal to be specific in myfitnesspal. I want my exercise and steps from Fitbit to add to my available calories for the day but I have not been successful. I have gone through multiple blogs about this issue and tried turning negative calories on and off....

I went a year or two without using myfitnesspal and this worked just fine before. What is the point of having a device track the exercise if it does not add the available calories to the total?

If I have my goal calories set to 1800 then why does it not add the exercise/steps calories to the available calories to eat? If i burn 150 calories from walking and 600 from running why wont it add to my goal of 1800 for a new total of 2550?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    It’s a total calorie burn comparison. If you have your activity level on MFP set higher than your actual activity level you will lose calories. It’s adjusting down to correct the assumed activity calorie burn you told MFP you would do. This can even happen on a Sedentary Activity level (I used to be so sedentary that a workout wouldn’t get me any extra calories).