P90x and weight gaining

dougsheldon Posts: 36
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Anybody else using p90x to GAIN weight?
I've always been tall and skinny and I'm on month 2 of round 2 right now and definitely seeing changes.
I'd like to see some other people's results so feel free to share


  • ErinSarah12
    ErinSarah12 Posts: 16 Member
    I didn't gain weight when I did P90x (actually, I only got through the first month because I hated working out in my tiny living room :laugh: ) but I did put on muscle weight doing Body For Life. After once cycle (9 weeks) I had put on four pounds of muscle, and four centimetres around my shoulders :grumble: That was not my goal, but it happened because of my food choices (too many pieces of whole wheat bread rather than getting my carbs from veggies or other sources).
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