Fertility issues

Seeker2203 Posts: 12 Member
edited May 2019 in Health and Weight Loss
My age is 28 years.
Day 3 test results
Fsh 8.95 mlU/ml
Lh. 4.14 mlU/ml

What does it indicate


  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    Only your doctor can help you with this. This is not a fertility group.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Another vote for discussing with your doctor.

    However, my own FSH test results (trying to gauge proximity to menopause, not fertility) says that 3-9 is normal for the follicular phase, which starts on the first day of menstruation and ends with ovulation.