200+ to lose

Been here a week and have some great mfp friends.
Would love to have have friends like me who need to lose alot of weight.
SW : 476


  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    200lbs+ sounds daunting eh? It's doable though. I'm at day 301 and I've dropped over 100 so far and gained a nice bit of muscle along the way. Just try and make choices you can stick with and stick to long term and think short term when you think you're gonna quit. Every day gets a little better. I was up over 383lbs, and probably near, at, or over 400lbs at my heaviest.. so I'm speaking from a bit of experience here.

    Only thing you really should make sure you do every day: login to MFP. Log what food and exercise you can, but just login. The habit makes everything else easier to stick with.
  • Nobledictator78
    Nobledictator78 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey there, my name is Ben...Im starting at 694...So far I have lost 20 after doing this for 2 weeks. I did this before a little over a year ago and lost 100, but I fell off the wagon. I certainly understand what it is to have to lose massive weight. I have lost so much of my life....well quality of life anyway because of weight, not to mention the stress I have put on my family because of it. I very much understand what it is to have to lose massive weight, I understand how and impossible the mountain feels. I understand what it is to blame yourself for getting to the weight you are at and being angry at yourself daily ...while trying to pretend you are not. I know this is a daunting journey for us both and would be very interested in trying to do the journey together. If you are anything like me you have tried...and failed multiple times, but the one thing we both have going for us Id assume is that we do keep trying....which means there is hope.