Send me some good, wholesome recipes... I don't want to pick at salads... exc. I want good food that is not expensive to make, Stuff that my husband will eat for dinner. lol. HELP


  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    Check out pinterest and search for gluten free there are tons of options there. I have CD and get a lot of my recipe ideas there.
  • JskC1893
    JskC1893 Posts: 156 Member
    Hellooo :) I'm going to add you as a friend (if your interested).

    Stuffed peppers is a great option, or stuffed tomatoes. You could also make zucchini lasagna which is really good (let me know if you want specific recipes, if any of these sound good to you).

    I tend to stay away from gluten-free products (the rolls and such) because I just don't find it to be worth eating (but do what you want).

    If you are craving a pasta, the only GF kind I like is called ancient harvest quinoa and corn blend (its really the only kind I enjoy, the others I find difficult to cook, especially brown rice options).

    Another GF product that I"ve had that is good is bobs red mill brand GF pizza crust. Its really easy to work with, tastes great (even my boyfriend likes it, and hes not into the GF alternatives).

    You can cut zucchini into noodle shapes, and have pasta that way. I enjoy that.

    Chicken and brown rice is another option in our house, that can be adjusted into stir fry, add lots of veggies on the side or in teh stir fry.

    Goodluck!! It was difficult for me at first but now I'm totally used to it. Like I said, I generally stay away from teh GF alternatives, but those are the ones I will occasionally work with.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Quinoa, brown rice, and sweet potatoes pack a good nutrition punch and can assume the spot on your plate where noodles or starches would go. Quinoa has good amounts of protein. Meats and veggies are gluten free. Salads vary. I tried quinoa and corn noodles for a macaroni salad, and it wasn't successful for us. We shifted our tuna casserole recipe to one with brown rice instead of noodles for the same reason. To replace sandwiches, I'd suggest fresh corn tortilla wraps or lettuce wraps. Beer has lots of gluten unless you can find a gluten free version. I don't know of any worries, other than alcohol itself, for wine and distilled spirits. READ LABELS! Good luck to you.
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    Really for GF, just dump the pasta and breads. If you really must have it, there are Gf varieties. They are not the same (the bread is drier but tasty) but they still rate good. Just different really. Corn tortillas (mission is certified GF and doesn't jack up their price for it) are actually pretty good and toast really well. (And low cal too so, bonus.) rice quinoa and oats are all ok (as long as you aren't celiac- they can still have traces of gluten from being produced in the same place as wheat). Meats and produce are naturally GF. Most sausages and deli meats, cheese, yogurt, etc are too and have started putting it on the package I guess just in case. Nuts areGF as well as beans. You do have to be careful of canned soups though because they do tend to have wheat in them to make the soup thicker I guess. If its broth based with no pasta or "dumplings" they usually say GF on the back somewhere.

    Be careful of "crusted" and "chicken fried" because it's usually wheat based. Check the ingredient list. If it has wheat barley or rye, put it down and back away slowly. Double amen on the beer. Wine and liquor is fine though.

    Baked goods is what we've had the hardest time with and we don't eat them much anyway so buying GF bread and waffles don't really kill the budget much. We've been GF for going 10 months now. I don't have any gluten sensitivities, so it hasn't really done anything for me, but hubs is WAY intolerant and he feels a lot better since we figured out that part. You can eat normal food and mostly don't have to make any weird subs for it UNLESS you eat a lot of bread and pasta.
  • stb5879
    stb5879 Posts: 2 Member

    Most of her recipes can be made GF and she has a GF section on her website. I love everything on there. I have yet to make a recipe and not like it.

    I am the opposite of some people, I love brown rice pasta. I find it more closely resembles white pasta. The corn blends make me feels like I am eating Mexican all of the time. My favorite brand, and the one I find that cooks the best is Trader Joe's. It does not leave a film at the top of the pot like most of the brown rice pastas out there.

    Good luck with GF! I love it! My body is very happy with my decision!
  • We have had good luck discovering new gluten free foods at Yes, it costs $, but have found it well worth it.