I'm looking for healthy oven-less summer recipes

NaurielR Posts: 429 Member
We're reconstructing our kitchen, and the construction/destruction/noise and mess starts next week. The entire process will take about six weeks, and for a good portion of that time (not quite sure how long, but it will be a matter of weeks) we will not be able to use our oven.

We will have access to a microwave, a plug in griddle, a grill (with a single burner one the side), and a couple crock-pots. We're a family of five.

Of course we'll be doing a lot of grilling, but we also want some recipes that can be made completely inside whenever the weather in bad.

We do have several crock pots, but I'd like some recipes that would be more appropriate for summer weather (I love a good stew, but its best served on a cold winter day, not when its 80 degrees out).

We eat a lot of chicken (a lot. chicken is good). Occasionally we'll have red meat and sometimes shrimp.

If you have any suggestions, please post them!

Edited for basic grammar mistakes...


  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    do you have a george foreman or similar grill? they are super handy for quick easy meals, I love mine