Never Say...Later

One of the things I heard in a podcast about motivation was called "the one minute rule". If there is a task that needs to get done and it takes about a minute, DO IT! It's better than waiting until later.

I decided to modify this to the "five minute rule". If I have a task at home or work that takes about five minutes, I do it then and there. Of course there are certain things that may take priority over this, but you catch my drift. As an example, I used to come home and toss my mail on the counter/table/whatever surface and then plop myself down on the couch. THAT RIGHT THERE! I nipped it in the bud.

That is where I lose my momentum and all sorts of production for the day, due to the comfort of the cushions and zoning into the television. It doesn't take long to open a piece or two of mail, so I do it. My hubby left his dirty coffee mug in the sink from the morning, I wash it. What's wrong with spending 5 minutes to do the easiest task now? I have small apartment, so clutter happens fast. Clutter turns into anxiety and I don't need that kind of negativity! But that's just me. If I don't spend the time now, I'll spend it later but with added stress.

Keeping the motivation and momentum to be productive is hard. But half the battle is just starting the good habits! So I remind myself to never say later.


  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,287 Member
    The "Five minute Rule". is a well known strategy for getting things done. Anyone can google or search on youtube to get the information. It works.
  • ambywams328
    ambywams328 Posts: 22 Member
    This goes to show how little research I have done. Oh well. Better late than never.