Self-Control while with other people

Currently, my girlfriend is on a trip in Europe, so I’ve found it very easy to lose weight since I can eat significantly less when I’m by myself for some reason. However, when I’m around others, I find myself eating a lot more for some reason. Any advice on how to keep my control when I’m no longer living alone?


  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    I second the advice given by Maybe1pe.

    Are you eating more when it is just you and your gf, or are you mostly worried about social situations with more people? If your gf encourages you to eat more I suggest having a chat with her letting her know that you are trying to focus on being healthy and if you turn down extra servings or snacks it is for that reason, not that you don't want food she offers/makes.

    I was the girlfriend wrecking a diet. My bf (now hubby) was trying to behave and I kept saying "oh one piece won't hurt" or "I'm done eating wanna finish this?" (my leftovers), or asking 5 times if he was suuuurrre he didn't want a slice of cake/extra serving. I didn't realize at the time how much harm I was doing just asking and making him say no each time (or not saying no, I was a terrible influence). It wasn't until he explained to me the struggle he had internally that I stopped asking him to eat.

    And then when I finally started trying to be healthy he also struggled to help me behave myself, despite having personal experience with the struggle. He had gotten used to giving me multiple sorts of chocolate for every holiday, and I had to keep reminding him for a while "i love the thought, and this looks delicious, but please don't get me more choc next time."