Emotional Eating on Weekends 😔

I had some success loosing weight over the last couple of months. I’ve lost 9 lbs. But during the weekends when I don’t have a structured schedule I struggle. I feel sad, bored, restless, and I go completely off plan. I can’t seem to stop this cycle at the moment.


  • kiki3881
    kiki3881 Posts: 2 Member
    I know how you feel. I eat when I get dissapointed or upset. The first step is that you recognized it. You say your bored on the weekends, so why don't you plan a fun night out? Go to eventful or goldstar. Google, things to do this weekend. You'd be surprised what you find. Ask yourself why are you sad? Separate your emotion from your hunger. Tune into your body and ask, am I really hungry or am I just bored? If bored, call a friend, go for walk, play a game. Hope this helps!
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    yes staying busy helps. At least you know what it is, if boredom, find something to do. I know easier said than done, I retired and finding stuff to do is a challenge.