Counting Macros with meal prep

Amandisue83 Posts: 2 Member
edited December 2024 in Getting Started
So here’s the deal .... I have never counted macros ever ... worked out like a savage and tried everything else with my food intake .. however never the macro way 😉

Now to the million dollar question ...

I have all my numbers and the breakdown

How do I measure my meal prep by protein carbs fat %

I have researched YouTube google and I’m seeing people measuring but WTH are they really doing .

How do you meal prep by percentage of the above what are the ounces ?? WHAT DOES THIS AL MEEEEEAN?!?

I know or I can bet my last dollar y’all are thinking I am the dumbest person bc something tells me there is a real common sense answer to this. I am willing to be the weirdo that sounds redic right about now asssssss long as this girl 👧 gets some dang answers

Please and thank you 🙏😢🤯🙇‍♀️

Also Wishing the best of luck to all in their journeys !!!!
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