Insanity Workout!



  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    I'm on day 25 Insanity and I think everyone here has had some great advice for you! You'll probably develop a love/hate relationship with it, and there will be days you just don't want to do it, but you'll feel so much better once you get started. You'll probably notice an increase in energy first, possible weight gain at first, but within 3-4 weeks you'll start feeling the magic of your body changing shape and dropping inches and some pounds! Just stick with it and feel free to add me also or message if you ever have any questions! And as everyone also stated, nutrition is absolutely key...make sure you get ENOUGH calories to fuel properly and eat sensibly and you'll do great!
  • fitmusiclifeviola
    I've been mixing in the workouts into my regular routine, and am doing my own diet/meal plan. I lost >30 lbs so far, and enjoy using the videos when it's rainy outside, or I just can't get out. I have to do most of my workouts at home, and he successfully pushes me past what I would do otherwise (even on a video), but I still feel okay when I have to rest when they're working hard still. Looking forward to getting through a full workout without needing an extra rest during it!

    I even added a few of his workouts to the exercise database, although I just estimate the calories, often based on my HRM, and then cut them in half to make sure I'm not overestimating!
  • Star_1234
    Star_1234 Posts: 123 Member
    Im on day 7 and i feel great. I have more energy and feel stronger. Physically, I havent seen much change in my weight/measurements.

    I should be eating1600 calories/day but currently I eat about 1300 calories/day.
  • YaelCeglio
    YaelCeglio Posts: 12 Member
    Insanity is an amazing program! I'm doing the slightly easier version, Focus T25. I just didn't have the time in my schedule to do Insanity. Shaun T is a wonderful trainer. Feel free to add me as a friend. I've got a wonderful FB support group - you're welcome to join us. We all use MFP to track our food and do various different workouts to burn those calories. Stick with the nutrition plan - 30% of weight loss comes from exercise, while 70% comes from what you do in your kitchen. Eat as clean as you can and be sure to drink 1/2 your body weight in water every day. Here's to the new you to come!!
  • nikky31
    nikky31 Posts: 63 Member
    please let me know what you think of insanity. I have been debating on getting. working on more support as everyone is busy with kids and difficult to get together to work out.:smile:
    Insanity is absolutely amazing! ive lost 1 inch of my thighs soo far and im on day 4!! its definitely worth the money plus its only 40ish minutes and they go really quick! the worst part is that I am super sore still but at least I know im working :) if you don't feel anything the next day then your not working hard enough lol
  • LisaIsInsanity
    LisaIsInsanity Posts: 2 Member
    Day 43 and 14 pounds down..... its hard and awesome and I love it.... COME ON Y'ALL.......SGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  • Akramkhaled
    Akramkhaled Posts: 20 Member
    ON Week 1 day 7 the rest day , lost 2kg already , cant really measure with inches but it's really hard and ENJOYABLE! Add me so we can motivate each other , if you want :D
  • czechwolf52
    czechwolf52 Posts: 194 Member
    I almost completed Insanity this year, I started on April 1 and only had 10 or so days left, but I had to quit due to knee pain. I am young, had no prior knee pains, wore supportive shoes, and worked out on carpeted areas, but it still bothered my knees. After the initial 5 days of soreness I really started to enjoy the workouts. I made progress on the exercises, but not so much on the scale. I initially gained 4 pounds, but then I lost 5 pounds in the beginning of month 2. I didn't really see that much of a loss in inches, but I did go down a jean size, although I can still stand to go down another size or two. My view on Insanity is mixed, I did enjoy the workouts that I was able to do with just my body, but I didn't enjoy the knee problems and the lack of results.
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    I'm on Week 5, and I truly love this program. I used to be a fitness instructor, and I am so impressed with the workouts! I've definitely lost inches around my waist, and am gaining lean muscle. I suddenly lost 2 lbs after Week 3 (I think that was around the time), and I lost another pound last week, without restricting calories. (I've been on maintenance, but have needed to increase my calories steadily) I follow the 40/40/20, and try to eat as clean a possible most days. Like the others, I feel fantastic after every workout. I think the 2nd week was the hardest for me, as far as motivation....but after that, I crave the workouts, and can't imagine not doing them! My body is changing shape, I'm getting more definition in my muscles, I'm feeling much stronger, and I have more energy over all. What's not to love? I also love Shaun T.'s teaching style; he's very motivating & encouraging. You will LOVE the program...just be sure to take breaks when you need to, especially when first starting out. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • drazani
    drazani Posts: 98 Member
    I'm just starting the second month, I've lost 6lbs so far and my legs and arms are looking more toned, I'm also feeling a lot healthier and stronger and have massive amounts of energy. It's hard but after about two weeks you'll learn to love it. I'm not following the eating plan either but am watching my calories and making sure I have plenty of protein. I have my macros set to 50/30/20 but find most days they seem to be closer to 40/40/20 lol. I'm enjoying it so much I'm already planning a round 2.

    Keep your water up and don't try to follow the others (sometimes they look like they are on fast forward lol) rest when you need to but then get right back in there.
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