Newbie and starting fresh

vgoldo Posts: 2 Member
Hi I'm lEvEl,

I'm trying to get back to my high school weight of 180-185 from 11 years ago. I'm currently 251 (the most I have ever weighed) and I'm 69 inches or 5'9 meaning I'm super overweight /obese at the moment. While losing the weight would be amazing, my real goal is to lose inches on my belly/waist area. I'm currently 42/43 and would like to ge to 32-34. If anyone has any tips or secrets they would like to share to shrinking your belly or waist, I'm open to suggestions.

Notable changes starting today:

- Eat 3 meals a day, 2 snacks max per day
- Drink water and no carbonated drinks
- Snack are fruits or vegetables only
- Workout at least 3x a week for an hour
- Sleep at least 6 hour striaght daily
- No eating an hour before bed
- Record all my meals and workouts
- Staying close to 1500 calories instead of my recommended MFP count of 2350.

Wish me luck guys, I will report my progress on the weekly basis.