I can’t calculate calories please help me

I bought a food scale. I plug the weight of a food in on MFP, but for the life of me can’t figure out how to calculate calories from the weight of the food. Someone please help me lol. I feel so stupid.


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    edited May 2019
    Go to your food diary.
    Click on the blue "Add Food" under any meal.
    This brings up the food database search tool.
    If, for instance, you want to add a fried egg, you fry your egg. Put your empty plate on the scale and press the "tare" button on the scale to reset it to 0.0 grams.
    Finish cooking the egg, take it up and put it on the plate. Weigh the egg on the plate. It will be something close to 55 grams.

    In the food database, search for "egg, whole, cooked, fried, usda"
    You'll find everything in the mfp database that the software thinks might match your search terms.
    The first thing on the list, in this case, is your match. Click on the blue description of the food.
    A filled window appears to the right offering to add 1 of 100 grams of that egg to your food diary.
    Change the 1 to something accurate, such as 0.55.
    Then click the green "Add Food to Diary".

    And you're done!

    If you accidentally add 100 gallons of marshmallows to your cocoa, you can press the red minus sign in the food diary to delete that entry.

    A very useful website is https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/search/list