New to MFP

ky2971 Posts: 3 Member
Hi all. My name is Kyndra. I am new to MFP. I have been a long term dieter, weight loss gimmick, shakes, programs, vitamins, etc. you name it I’ve tried it. The only thing I succeeded in doing was spending money. I’d lose a few pounds then slack off and try something else. This is 100% on me. I reached my heaviest on May 6, 2019.

I signed up that day and haven’t missed a day with tracking. I have tracked everything that’s entered my mouth faithfully and have had only 1 day that I’ve gone over my target calories and that was in the beginning when I was struggling to grasp portion sizes, absently snacking and the nutritional value of foods. I cleaned out my frig and pantry and tossed anything that would tempt me to indulge.

Happy to say that in the 19 days since I’ve started I have lost 18 pounds.

Looking to meet like minded, motivated people to share inspirational milestones, hi protein low carb ideas, and general support.

Thank you.


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Hey - that is totally awesome! Way to go, my friend!!!

    18 pounds in 19 days is really motivating but probably not going to keep up. Many people lose a LOT of weight at the beginning, then the weight loss slows down to a pound or two a week. I just wanted to pop in to tell you that if (or when) this happens for you do NOT get discouraged. Keep up the awesome work, and know that every pound lost is still progress in the right direction. It took me over a year to lose 70 pounds, but I did it and have mostly kept it off (I"m currently battling 'maintenance weight creep'). Every healthy decision you make is a step in the right direction.

    You've totally got this! Welcome to MFP. :flowerforyou:
  • ashxtasticness
    ashxtasticness Posts: 160 Member
    Fantastic weight loss so far! You are in the right place to stay motivated and find tips and tricks :) I do high protein lower carb (not full blown Keto) and watch my sodium. It has worked wonders for me! Feel free to add me