Weight gain during maintenance? Help?

Please no "but it's only 1-3lbs" comments. I've been truly scratching my head over this.

I hit my goal weight a few months ago, I was around 50-50.5kg and switched to maintenance. I usually eat 95% healthy during the week and would leave the weekends for my 'eat what I want days' and even though I never "over did" it, I seemed to have been on a 1-3lbs gain for at least a couple months now.

I've been trying to drink lots more water and eat healthier to bring it back down to normal incase it was a fluctuation from water retention, and for a couple days it did go down to 50.8 but for most of the time it's still back up to up to 51kg area, and I'm starting to think it's an actual gain if it's been hanging around this long.

If it hasn't gone back down to normal for this long, would you consider this a weight gain?

P.S It confuses me so much because my clothes fit fine still, but the scale looks like a gain.


  • It's glycogen from eating more carbs. And you're not really supposed to get rid of it, it's completely normal so don't worry about it. When you first lose weight you end up dropping more that first week than any other time and that's because your body is being depleted of glycogen by eating less carbs (even if you didn't low-carb, you probably ate less as a result of eating less calories).

    It is not fat so don't worry at all, it's completely normal and just accept that it will always be there unless you start dieting again, but will just come back when you stop! If you really don't like it then just lose a couple of lbs of fat then you will weigh the same as your goal weight is now even with the glycogen. Though if you're happy with your body then just accept it and forget about it. :wink:

    Congrats on meeting your goal weight!

    ETA: Have a look at this article to understand more: http://www.justinowings.com/understanding-bodyweight-and-glycogen-de/
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    you may not want to hear it.. buts its only 1-3 lbs...

    the fact that you made that comment means you recognised you were being overly concerned about a trivial amount of weight. the fact you are now at your weight goal means you should now be trying to gain weight while lifting to tone up and recover any muscle mass you lost during your diet.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    weight fluctuates, its completely normal... you should have a maintenance range, not one goal weight for exactly that reason...

    if your clothes still fit the same then its not fat so dont worry about it.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    If you are trying to keep your weight in a half kilo range that doesn't seem very realistic.

    As your "clothes still fit fine" then it doesn't really seem to be an issue - unless you carry around a sign saying what you weigh on any particular day.....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    your 'eat whatever you want' days are probably a lot more cals then you think...start logging those days, or stop having them...

    Or you can weight yourself three times a week and take an average. Sorry, but your weight is going to fluctuate +/- 3 pounds over the course of a week, it is just natural.

    Or you can reduce daily calorie intake by 50 a day...
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you are trying to keep your weight in a half kilo range that doesn't seem very realistic.

    As your "clothes still fit fine" then it doesn't really seem to be an issue - unless you carry around a sign saying what you weigh on any particular day.....

    This. Maintenance isn't an exact number.... there's always a range. See this thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1074246-what-do-you-consider-your-maintenance-weight
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    your 'eat whatever you want' days are probably a lot more cals then you think...start logging those days, or stop having them...

    Or you can weight yourself three times a week and take an average. Sorry, but your weight is going to fluctuate +/- 3 pounds over the course of a week, it is just natural.

    Or you can reduce daily calorie intake by 50 a day...

    This, and what the others said too. It's normal to gain a bit of weight again when switching to maintenance. If you really want to stay at 50 kg, go down to 48 or 49 then switch back to maintenance.