Summer fat fun!

Today we went out on our boat. We jumped off to swim in 8 feet of water. We don’t have a ladder yet so to get back on the boat you had to pull yourself back on with the side about 1.5 feet over my head. The combo of being 5 feet, obese, and no ground to push off of.. you can imagine I looked like a freaking walrus. I finally got up there (With my husband’s help) before I declared myself a plus size mermaid and the river my new home for eternity. I wasn’t the only one that struggled but it felt so bad. Not only am I fat, but I’m also weak. What a moment. My positive spin to this is that I will work harder, stay motivated and get those upper body workouts in much harder now. Oh, and order that ladder. 50 pounds off, 50 to go. 😂 Hope y’all had a wonderful and safe holiday.


  • aroze0928
    aroze0928 Posts: 254 Member
    I'm 5ft too. We're doing the boat thing next weekend. I feel your pain. Not where I had hoped to be this time around but it could be worse. 14 down and at least 20 more to be happy!