Stress about eating right.

aphroditise Posts: 7 Member
Am I the only one who gets stressed out when on a diet plan? I freak out if I eat over my calorie deficient and feel sad and hopeless. If I miss a workout I feel bad. If I workout I feel bad because I could be doing chores or spending time resting. If I eat a healthy meal I constantly think about the things I want to eat. I never see results and it's heart breaking. I've been on my fitness pal for years an have not progressed. I get really sad and it's a circle. I feel like eating and exercising is another worrisome thing on top of all the other things I have to worry about. There's so much planning and sweating, being sore, declining food. If I tell friends they constantly say "aren't you on a diet? You cant have that! You been working out and haven't gotten anywhere." Please give words of encouragement.


  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    When you feel overwhelmed, ask for help! The best is to find a nutritionist who can help you.
  • BurningSkies2018
    BurningSkies2018 Posts: 64 Member
    At first, I was somewhat in the same boat as yourself. Trying to really be cautious with portions, and so on and so forth. I think the important thing is to find something that works for you. Keto works absolutely wonderful for me because I can still eat foods I typically enjoy. I can't eat a bunch of sandwiches with regular bread, of course, but I have started to actually enjoy just laying out some lettuce and putting whatever on that.

    I also wouldn't try expecting the scale to move every day, either if that's an issue. Personally, I have a lot of weight to lose and it's been a steady pace since starting but I have felt like it's slowed here and there. I just try not to pay too much attention to it. I haven't sought out any nutritionist, etc. I just cut out a lot of the unhealthy junk I was eating before and it's certainly helped.

    Overall, you don't have to be on a super strict diet to lose weight, I don't feel and you can still enjoy foods you ate before. Just watch your portions and don't go overboard. Before Keto I was managing to still lose weight, it was just a little slower but still noticeable.

    Probably not what you're looking for, but from someone who was nearly 40 lbs heavier just two months ago, that's what has worked for me so far.