Round 2!!!!

_Shane_ Posts: 12 Member
My weight loss journey began in January 2011 at a whopping 335 pounds. It started as a friendly contest between myself and two family members. I lost 110 pounds in the first year by logging in every day of that year. After 110 pounds I got a new job, got busy and got complacent. I gained 60 pounds back over the next year and a half. I have now logged for the last 70 days and have lost 20 of the regained pounds.

I am a very competitive person and love the pressure of being accountable to other people. I am looking for people that I know are watching and just there to make sure I am keeping with my program. I welcome all friend requests and especially look forward to active, determined people that can help motivate me to try harder or who can use my logs for motivation for themselves.