MickyCrispDipper Posts: 41 Member
edited December 21 in Motivation and Support
Boditrax says I’m 12.9% BF, I told myself I’d like to get under 12% and then bulk, as I don’t want to lose too much muscle, but I still can’t lose the tiny bit of lower belly fat. Do I keep cutting or bulk to add more muscle then cut down again later????


  • MickyCrispDipper
    MickyCrispDipper Posts: 41 Member
    Big help! Thanks everyone!!
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    You probably would have gotten more traction if you had posted in the bodybuilding section. It's probably too late but you look way lean enough to bulk. And you might have a bit of body dysmorphia going on if you are still worried about belly fat. You look phenomenal and I would in no way cut further unless you have a competition in the next few weeks.
  • GoodLardy
    GoodLardy Posts: 163 Member
    I know nothing but my vote is for a bulk. Looking great!
  • MickyCrispDipper
    MickyCrispDipper Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks guys appreciate the comment, in all honesty, I think I do have body dysmorphia, as I’m never happy, I’ve started lean bulking, let’s see how it goes
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