Bikini ready by next summer

Hi everyone,

First of all sorry for my English, it's not my first language.

I'm new on MFP and I really hope that this website will help me through my weightloss journey, especially when it comes to calories counting.
I don't really have a precise timeline for my UGW but by summer 2014 it would be perfect.
I started this journey in June 2013, and I'm not alone, my doctor is helping me (I see him every two month to track my progress with him).

I'm a engineering student, starting my fourth year in september, it's called dual studies because instead of only learning at school I spend half of my time (15 days/month and all the holidays) in a company doing the work of a engineer. I study health technologies. I'm 20, will be 21 in october :)

I have many interests in life, one of them being photography. Someday if some of you are interested by it I will show you my work. Another one is that I'm a first aid worker at the Red-Cross, spending some of my time helping injured people during events. I'm newly into sport, I swimm a lot and joined a gym a few weeks ago, I do circuit training, biking and sometimes fitness class (depends on my mood). I also play the clarinet, for about 12 years. As you can see I'm a very busy person.

Just to give you an idea :
SW : 207 lbs (94kg)
CW : 191,8 lbs (87kg)
GW1 : 169 lbs (73kg) It's my lowest weight since puberty
GW2 : 145 lbs (66kg)
UGW: <132 lbs (60kg)

I'm 5'3 (1,62m).

tumblr :
It's my main motivation, I reblog whatever keeps me motivated. It is still new and I am going to complete it progressivly.

Please feel free to correct me if I make any English mistake, and ask me any question.



  • jessiefied
    jessiefied Posts: 167
    I too have basically the same goals and start weight!

    SW 96kgs
    CW 94kgs
    GW 65kgs
    UGW 60kgs

    Im 166cm


    Feel free to add me so we can keep each other accountable!
  • Emagique
    Emagique Posts: 17
    Thank you very much,
    It's good to see that we have similar stats, now I'm even more confident to see that it is possible :) !!!
  • Emagique
    Emagique Posts: 17
    Just added you. We will get there, no matter how long it takes !!