Weekends eating.

My husband Is in amazing shape . He loves fast food and ice cream he can eat whatever he wants and never gains a pound so sometimes on the weekends I eat way over my calorie goal Because my husband likes to eat out and Usually fast food and it’s hard for me making healthy choices at fast food places but I’m back on track on Mondays but it still knocks me off my goals any suggestions ?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,336 Member
    1. You don't have to eat the same stuff your husband eats.
    2. At fast food places there is always a lower cal option, or you can wait
    3. Take snacks along with you when you are out of the house
    4. Pre plan what to order at the most frequently visited fast food places. Most of them have menus with calories online and the larger chains have the calories on the menu in the store.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    In addition to the above advice, you can also bank your calories during the week to have a little extra indulgence on weekends if you want. Provided it's not going to send you in an out of control food spiral.
  • sammidelvecchio
    sammidelvecchio Posts: 791 Member
    My boyfriend is the same way so I feel your struggle! Something I do is find ways to cut calories in any way possible in fast food. I like chicken nuggets, but I can go without the dipping sauces. I like sandwiches, but i'm cool without condiments like mayo etc, but some people take off the bun on burgers to save some calories. I also always get diet soda or iced tea. As far as ice cream goes, I will get a pint of halo top, and he gets regular ice cream. We can still sit and enjoy it together but it fits into my macros a lot easier that way.

    In comment to the above poster's advice, I tell him I will only go with him once a week to a place where I don't feel I can eat according to my own standards and calories, and i'll get whatever food I want that meal and not worry about it. Otherwise, I cook or grill for us or I pick the restaurant, so you definitely don't have to go. I also save calories through the week to make up for the one meal I do have with him.

    The last thing I have been doing is just being honest with my boyfriend about how important it is to me to lose weight so I can feel better overall, and I also tell him I want to help him be healthier too, just in a different way. While he doesn't need to lose weight, I do think he could be more heart-healthy and we both could use a lot more veggies and fruits in our diets, so I ask him to try new recipes like that with me on the weekends when we have enough time to grill or cook a more intricate meal. Also finding other things you both like to do together that isn't focused around eating can help. We've been going to parks a lot more, concerts, the pool, fishing, etc which helps us spend quality time together that's not centered around food.
  • LoKoMi
    LoKoMi Posts: 51 Member
    Some things I do:

    #1 is NEVER try to get the best value or most food for your money. 2/$5 Big Macs are NOT my friend 😭

    Get ice water or unsweetened iced tea if you don’t do diet sodas

    Kids meal! Those tiny fries and small burgers are plenty for me, and they usually come with an 8oz soda, low-fat milk or bottled water and apple slices or low-fat yogurt. Plus you get a cool toy!

    Don’t ever order your own fries. Buy him the next size up and take out a dozen or so

    Speaking of Big Macs, I’ve ordered Mac Sauce and pickles on a plain cheeseburger- close enough! And I WISH they still had Mac Juniors, but maybe it’s good that they don’t 🤔

    Most places have a fruit option- go for that instead of fries. Fruit isn’t always low calorie but it’s far better nutrition than fries

    Salad? McDonalds garden side salad is fairly low-cal. Just add everything up- sometimes the entree salads with double ranch dressing can outdo a Big Mac on calories

    Finally, remember- YOUR OPINION COUNTS TOO! If you can go fast food one day on the weekend to enjoy it with him, he should be able to find some horrifically unhealthy thing to eat at a restaurant of your choice 🤣 I’m joking of course... sort of... seriously though, Free Advice from an ol’ lady who just celebrated a 25-year wedding anniversary: neither of you will ALWAYS get what you want, but neither of you should NEVER get what you want ❤️
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    How about cooking at home? If you tell him you want to try a new recipe, is he going to turn that down? Even if you cut the eating out in half, that's got to make it easier, and with the cost of fast food, you can have some pretty amazing and healthy home meals.