Pure Loser

yvanne Posts: 11 Member
Has anyone done the 6 wee Pure Loser course at Pure Gym? I had my first weigh in on Sunday and was handed my info and recipe pack...

Not very much to go by!! Has anyone any recipes they can suggest to follow it, the banned and allowed food is for the 14 day detox...


All alchohol
All caffeine
wheat and gluten: pasta bread cakes biscuits and most sauces
processed foods anything containing e numbers or pre packed such as micro meals
cream, low far spreadable marge/butter and cheese

Meats: beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit
Drinks: water, green tea, herbal tea, rice milk, almond milk, soy milk
Vegetables: lettuce, carrot, rocket, spinach,prouts, water cress, leek, peas, peppers, mushrooms
FIsh: mackerel, salmon, tuna, sardines, cod, prawns, crab, trout, squid
Fruit: any berries, apple, mango, coconut, grapefruit, melon, pineapple
Dairy:eggs, feta cheese, goats cheese, cottage cheese, natural yoghurt
Nuts/seeds: almonds, brazils, cashews, pine, poppy, pumpkin, flax, walnuts
Grains, wild rice, brown rice, pulses lentils, basmati rice, rice cakes, oats, cous cous
Snacks: carrots+humous, fruit, nuts rice cakes, natural yoghurt


  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    Diets don't last. Why do that to yourself? Moderation is the key... but then I'm sure you've heard that before. I honestly wish you the very best in this.... I really do hope you do well... but if you don't, remember you really can eat what you want and lose weight... in MODERATION. :flowerforyou:

    Best of luck.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I had no idea they were doing that sort of diet. I thought Ally was running it? Who told you to detox?
  • yvanne
    yvanne Posts: 11 Member
    Its part of the course, weeks 3 through 6 introduce carbs etc back in, I realise "diets" dont give a lasting loss, however I have a physical challenge coming up with work and didnt want to be dragging all 13 stone of my fat *kitten* around a circuit lol!! With this being a 6 week thing, in which im weighed in front of people I feel it will give me a kick up the bum to get motivated!

    Week 1s weigh in has shown this with a 3.1kg loss!!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Yes, it's glycogen and water. It happens with all low carb diets. Glycogen and water are things that you need in your body for physical challenges. Surely Simon doesn't approve of this diet?

    Just remember, I'm not attacking you, at all. I encourage you to ask whoever is leading these talks about the stuff I'm saying.
    The NHS says that detoxing is nonsense, and I'm saying your initial weight loss is likely glycogen due to you exercising and low carbing, and water due to the way glycogen is stored in the body.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    That sounds like torture. And unsustainable. No thanks.
  • lua_
    lua_ Posts: 258 Member
    I would rather eat my own arm, and I'm a vegetarian. Seriously, why do people put themselves through this crap? I'm healthier and fitter than I've ever been in my life and I eat whatever I please, as long as it fits my daily calorie intake
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    The OP has paid for a course led by an exercise professional that has been trained to deliver this weight loss course.

    She's doing it because she has trusted a professional to provide the information she needs.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    It sounds unsustainable and complicated. But best of luck to you.

    Exercise professional =/= registered dietitian or someone who actually understands nutrition and how to encourage clients to maintain and sustain a lifestyle.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Has anyone done the 6 wee Pure Loser course at Pure Gym? I had my first weigh in on Sunday and was handed my info and recipe pack...

    Not very much to go by!! Has anyone any recipes they can suggest to follow it, the banned and allowed food is for the 14 day detox...


    All alchohol
    All caffeine
    wheat and gluten: pasta bread cakes biscuits and most sauces
    processed foods anything containing e numbers or pre packed such as micro meals
    cream, low far spreadable marge/butter and cheese

    Meats: beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit
    Drinks: water, green tea, herbal tea, rice milk, almond milk, soy milk
    Vegetables: lettuce, carrot, rocket, spinach,prouts, water cress, leek, peas, peppers, mushrooms
    FIsh: mackerel, salmon, tuna, sardines, cod, prawns, crab, trout, squid
    Fruit: any berries, apple, mango, coconut, grapefruit, melon, pineapple
    Dairy:eggs, feta cheese, goats cheese, cottage cheese, natural yoghurt
    Nuts/seeds: almonds, brazils, cashews, pine, poppy, pumpkin, flax, walnuts
    Grains, wild rice, brown rice, pulses lentils, basmati rice, rice cakes, oats, cous cous
    Snacks: carrots+humous, fruit, nuts rice cakes, natural yoghurt

    I'd go nuts. NO sugar? NO wheat or gluten? Sorry, but absolutes don't work with me. If I want a teaspoon of sugar in my coffee and half/half ... well, damnit, I'm having it. More power to you if you can handle this list, but I'll be shocked if you make it, unless you're already paleo/clean eating.
  • yvanne
    yvanne Posts: 11 Member
    Didnt really want a debate was only asking for meal suggestions!

    I can understand where most of you are coming from however, yes this is my choice!

    I shouldnt have described it as a detox, it wasnt described to us as a detox, just a 2 week part of the 6 week course, I have felt fine eating what I have been eating, I have felt full, I was ill yesterday (caught a bug ) so I didnt go by it purely because all I wanted was bread and soup!

    Thank you IronSmasher....
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Has anyone done the 6 wee Pure Loser course at Pure Gym? I had my first weigh in on Sunday and was handed my info and recipe pack...

    Not very much to go by!! Has anyone any recipes they can suggest to follow it, the banned and allowed food is for the 14 day detox...


    All alchohol
    All caffeine
    wheat and gluten: pasta bread cakes biscuits and most sauces
    processed foods anything containing e numbers or pre packed such as micro meals
    cream, low far spreadable marge/butter and cheese

    Meats: beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit
    Drinks: water, green tea, herbal tea, rice milk, almond milk, soy milk
    Vegetables: lettuce, carrot, rocket, spinach,prouts, water cress, leek, peas, peppers, mushrooms
    FIsh: mackerel, salmon, tuna, sardines, cod, prawns, crab, trout, squid
    Fruit: any berries, apple, mango, coconut, grapefruit, melon, pineapple
    Dairy:eggs, feta cheese, goats cheese, cottage cheese, natural yoghurt
    Nuts/seeds: almonds, brazils, cashews, pine, poppy, pumpkin, flax, walnuts
    Grains, wild rice, brown rice, pulses lentils, basmati rice, rice cakes, oats, cous cous
    Snacks: carrots+humous, fruit, nuts rice cakes, natural yoghurt

    I'd go nuts. NO sugar? NO wheat or gluten? Sorry, but absolutes don't work with me. If I want a teaspoon of sugar in my coffee and half/half ... well, damnit, I'm having it. More power to you if you can handle this list, but I'll be shocked if you make it, unless you're already paleo/clean eating.

    Sugar, wheat, gluten, caffeine, cheese and processed foods appear in both the banned and allowed lists.
  • Docpremie
    Docpremie Posts: 228 Member
    I wouldn't like that diet, but here's a recipe I tried this week. I increased the spices & used salsa instead of tomato sauce, because it was a little bland to start, but once it simmered for 20 minutes the filling was fantastic. I didn't care for the filling in the zucchini boat; I love zucchini, but the cooked "boat" was too soft for my liking. Next time I'll make the filling & then use butter lettuce leaves to make a lettuce wrap with the filling & cheese. You could also add some plain Greek yogurt for tang & throw in some avocado cubes!

  • W15t5v1
    W15t5v1 Posts: 4 Member
    I agree that diets are the pits and generally do not work. I am Lactose and Fructose intollerant as well as being Diabetic and have not found one 'diet' that has helped. My diabetes educator tells me all in moderation but I love my food so I looked at the latest fad of Paleo. I must say that the recipe book I found made my taste buds jump a little and decided to give this a go. Can anyone tell me if this is yet another fad or is the book I found at http://paleocookingtips.com/ going to be helpful
  • brummyminx
    brummyminx Posts: 16 Member
    I joined an i lost 10lbs

    You don't have to follow the book to a T - it's just a guide
  • saph_wakey
    Has anyone got a copy of the plan and recipes I could look at?

    They aren't doing this class at the gym I am a member to.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    Looks like a lot of grilled/broiled meats, permitted veggies and salad with nuts for crunch and bit of goat cheese for you, and eggs for breakfast--which doesn't sound horrid, if rather repetitive for a couple of weeks.

    Any restrictions on fats other than no butter? (That is, can you use olive oil?)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    That's a why bother eating diet.
  • Maxiepee
    Maxiepee Posts: 1 Member
    The banned foods are for week one! I'm going to give it a try the personal trainers a at the pure gym where I attend are leading it! If you eat less calories you will lose weight but if you are aiming to build muscle also the calorie intake may be too low & you will still be flabby! I'll keep you all updated! I find having/giving the whole picture as opposed to parts allows for a more biased response that can be helpful! Most diets tell you to either cut down or not eat certain foods so not eating them for one week
    I in my opinion isn't too bad but hard to maintain long term!
  • keeleyplaza1
    keeleyplaza1 Posts: 1 Member
    I did this diet and lost 6kg in the six weeks and then another 10kg over the next couple of months. What it did was change my eating habits rather than starve me.
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    To answer the actual question: a menu, reasonably tasty, is easy with these ingredients.

    All sorts of omelettes are possible.

    Fried rice with or without eggs and meat.


    Pineapple peanut butter stew with chicken.

    Cashew and crispy chicken rice cakes.

    Almond flour (just grind some fine) pancakes - recipe is on MFP.

    In fact, just look up "Feed Zone" on the database. That's a cookbook for athletes by A. Lim.

    Personally, this is a non-starter for me since I love bread and coffee - and don't need to lose much. But good luck! Your ingredients are not that restrictive, you should be able to find dozens of tasty meals.