Question regarding weight loss.

I'm feeling discouraged. The past week and a half I haven't really lost any weight. I stepped on the scale today since last week and gained .4 of a pound. Last night I did eat carb heavy and kind of close to bedtime. Could this affect my weight on a day to day basis? Do carbs cause temporary weight gain due to water? Feeling discouraged due to the lack of progress.


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    glassyo wrote: »


    Yep. Yep. Yep.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    My with goes up and down every day kind the scale is made of dice. I can kind of guess what it's gonna say based on how thirsty I am out how much I've been having to pee.

    The goal isn't to have a small number on the scale, it's too be healthy and look good. That's basically the same as saying the goal is to lose fat. Water is irrelevant. Too much fat is dangerous, especially the type around your midsection, too much water is fine.

    Check out a trending app, or use a spreadsheet and a moving average tend line. To smooth out the random fluctuations, and show you the real picture.

    Finally, for better or worse we're all in this for life. Don't let Mike stuff discourage you. Even actually gaining .4 pounds of fat isn't a tragedy, it just means another week of eating at a deficit. You're in charge, and you can overcome setbacks.