Looking for a Support Buddy

Hey guys, I've struggled with eating disorders for a long time...anorexia, binge eating, and now non-purging bulimia. I really hate the constant fluctuation between eating nothing and eating everything, and I think it would be helpful to have an accountability buddy. So if anybody is looking for a mutual kind of partnership where we check in on each other and give support, that would be great :)


  • alli7168
    alli7168 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey! I am also looking for motivational support! Feel free to add me!
  • ForAFitFuture2017
    ForAFitFuture2017 Posts: 7 Member
    25 year old girl here 👋🏻 I have literally been through everything, keto, paleo, “clean eating”, primal, 1200 cal, counting macros, you name it ive probably done it. Ended up with a binge eating disorder and finally put my foot down. Down from 215 to 160 and headed to 140. Feel free to reach out ☺️
  • logancsmama
    logancsmama Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! I am 56 and starting over on this again. I was almost to goal when my son died and it all went downhill. This is my 3rd attempt. The first time I lied to myself and told myself it would be okay if I took a break between Christmas and New Years and it took me over a year to get back on. I have 118.4 lbs to lose and I hope we can support each other and get to know one another! Please feel free to message me. Laura
  • eatingems
    eatingems Posts: 106 Member
    edited June 2019
    Added you! I've struggled with anorexia and BED, one then the other since 2013/14. I've decided enough is enough so I'm trying to lose my binge weight healthily. I think the important thing for me is making sure that nothing is off limits i.e. I allow myself to eat my "fear foods", in moderation, from my anorexia days and, so far, it's kept me from bingeing again.
  • Emmalovestorun
    Emmalovestorun Posts: 168 Member
    Add me anyone, always here for support and motivation x